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Posts: 4,261
Registered: ‎07-11-2010

Co-workers and friends combined is a personal choice.  I was always of the mind that if you work with people all day, I want to spend after-work time with other people, not co-workers.  I had acqaintances with people I worked with and had a few friends I made in other departments and kept after I retired. We keep in touch periodically. But for the people I worked directly with and for, the day I retired, I closed the door and never looked back; preferred to put the environment in which I worked for 34 years in the past.  It took about 3 months to adjust, then was joyous!

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Posts: 44,347
Registered: ‎01-08-2011

I have one very close friend with whom I worked five years after retiring from teaching.  We love to get together.Smiley Happy