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@on the bay


Guess who got corn on the cob the other night!  He eats it with his front teeth!!!

His ears are back because he is concentrating!!!





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Re: Calling On The Bay 6/09/22

Oh I love him! I want him!

I wish I Iived next door so I could Shadow sit all the time or just help you with all the hugs lol!

So so cute! Love that head-love all of him!

Needed that! Thank you @ECBG! 💓

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: Calling On The Bay 6/09/22

[ Edited ]

@on the bay 


Many thanks!  You could rescue a female pup.  They're sweet dogs but need to walk and they "zoom" some every day.

DS has a female who is smaller.  She is an absolute love!!!  He got her from his vet!!


No dog odor, no clipping except for nails!~  Little shedding!


This is a pup.


American Pitbull Puppies: Get to Know this Misunderstood Breed – Petsmont

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Re: Calling On The Bay 6/09/22

@ECBG wrote:

@on the bay 


Many thanks!  You could rescue a female pup.  They're sweet dogs but need to walk and they "zoom" some every day.

DS has a female who is smaller.  She is an absolute love!!!  He got her from his vet!!


No dog odor, no clipping except for nails!~  Little shedding!


This is a pup.


American Pitbull Puppies: Get to Know this Misunderstood Breed – Petsmont





Who couldn't love this little/big puppy?



hckynut 🇺🇸



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Re: Calling On The Bay 6/09/22

@on the bay 


This is DS's little girl. 


DS brought her over for Christmas when we had just lost our one year old who was SO very wonderful to a rare tumor at the end of his spine.  The vet and entire staff cried over Smokey Blu!


He has taught her to stand up when he sits down and "give him sugar"!



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Re: Calling On The Bay 6/09/22

[ Edited ]


What a cutie pie that one is, your son's.


I know they need lots of walking, fun and play. We used to take our 3 out to the field and throw the ball. They would leap and run as fast as the wind and never seem to tired of it. And my son would walk them individually but also altogether. They were like horses going out the door like they were on the racetrack.

So I would need an Arnold Scwartzenegger or the Rock to help now. I miss having one and ours a lot.

My daughter in law keeps posting pictures of the dogs to adopt and my son is having a hard time not giving in. They have 3 little ones now. So I may have another granddog sometime in the future.

But until that time, we all feel we had the best dogs in the world-all the most loving incredible dogs I've ever known-all pedigree American pitbulls. Our biggest boy ,his father was a champion puller and the girl was a beautiful blue. The oldest was the love of all our lives and the neighbors and everyone who knew him.

I never ever would have known that this breed could be like this-nothing like them and if ever there is an aggressive one you've got an aggressive evil owner out for no good!

I think I usually stalk the neighbors dogs lol! I know all their names. (the dogs, not always the neighbors😄)

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: Calling On The Bay 6/09/22

@ECBG,She is wonderful! Your son's.

Ok I think I'm going to have to move in with you all!😄💖 

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: Calling On The Bay 6/09/22

@on the bay 


We have a very nice guy who will stay with Shadow for the week while we are out of town.

I am having the house cleaned for him and he will have the run of the house and property.



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Re: Calling On The Bay 6/09/22

[ Edited ]


Well, he is one lucky guy! 

That's ok, I can come help!😄

Isn't it a treasure though to find someone you trust and that you know will love him and take care of him well!

I had a wonderful guy to look after our cat when I would go to see out of state family.

Our neighbors asked me to watch their 2 kitties for a week. I felt honored and I thought of you when I got the tour of their house! You would love it. I loved it. Every single inch with things from all over their travels all over the world. It's like a fantasy land.I think I told you that your house, which I love from what I've seen, reminds me of my cousins house who has wonderful antique furniture. She also has dogs and pet miniature roosters!

So when I'm not helping with kids and grandkids I'll stay over there and keep the kitties company. It will be an adventure for sure!

Thank you for the pictures. I always love seeing them so much!

And hope you have a good trip too!



"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: Calling On The Bay 6/09/22



He’s beautiful!