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@hullie wrote:


Yep, the fall going up allowed me enough time to grab handrails as I was falling backwards, ended up twisted and bruised but falling going down I'm sure would of been worse. It is tiredness keeping me from lifting up my feet, I even stumble inside on a flat surface. Pup takes a lot out of you but I get so much love in return. I slept a lot today on the couch, feel really good now. Bijou was allowed to roam during my nap times and no accidents, he nestled with me on the couch for awhile then laid on a rug till I got up. Last night he had to go outside at three am, I was nervous as I had noticed big paw tracks on the beach just recently, little paw prints I don't get too worried about. Anyway he did both jobs fast and we went back to bed....I put him in a small crate next to me on bed until I'm sure he won't fall off high bed or have accidents. I went back to sleep right away but was awakened by wet licks all over my face and a rapidly wagging tail, I apparently didn't get the latch good and Bijou couldn't of been happier.💕 Glad you are starting to get some of your energy back.m


@hullie   Lol re Bijou escaping.  Sometines I think I will never laugh again without a pet.  I have had pets from about three, until DD was three and the last passed, then was so busy with her that I didn't have another until she was in high school.

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@Tissyanne I hope you got your rain. We got ours last night and again today along with very strong winds, Bijou doesn't like the sound of the wind when we go outside but it makes her do her jobs faster, ha. The rain has started turning my grass green and I can see green budding on shrubs from my windows, we are always among the last to have thing turn green. 

My thoughts and prayers are with you as your oncologist appointment nears. I understand all the emotions now that go with that. I just had mine and already I got a notice of my next one scheduled in September. Sending good vibes your way, 

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Dental surgery with a good INR, that is a punishment not a reward! I understand though, hope all goes well. 

I wonder having two dogs if that keeps Maggie more occupied? Right now Bijou is going around as far as I can see and exploring every square inch of the floor, I won't have to vacuum but will have to mop up all the nose prints. 

I put a pet bed down for him and he at first thought it was an oversized chew toy, he is starting to use it properly now. Here are pictures:


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@hullie wrote:

Hi all, 

Went to a supper that I had to bring something and after I came home I fell on my garage door steps. Isn't that the way it goes, just when you're recovering! ❤️‍🩹 I caught a lot of the fall by grabbing at handrail, just a lot of bruises and aches, I was very lucky. I think I am just tired and not lifting my feet enough. 

Warm day today with bad storms coming tomorrow. Hope these spring storms don't get too severe. I know @possummink hates these storms too, I am thinking of her. 

Bijou is doing fine. He gets into a toy flinging tizzy at least once a day, probably just burning off extra energy. He runs around during this period and surprisingly he even scoots under sofa, shocked me how he scrunched down to buzz under it. He is responding pretty good to come and sit as well. 

Good night all


Dear @hullie,  I'm so sorry about the fall.  And so glad that the hand rail helped you save some of it.  I do know what you mean by not lifting the foot up quite high enough, it happens a lot with me on my front steps with my right foot.  I hold on to that hand rail and take one step before the next foot takes it's step.  I hope that it doesn't take long for your body to feel better.  


I love hearing about Bijou and he sounds thoroughly happy and entertaining.  My Abby absolutely loved her squeaky toys and treated them like her little children.  I'd never seen or heard anything like her when she was tending to them.  A beautiful soul. Heart


I saw the weather today and saw the terrible tornados in the central area and moving to the east.  So many of our friends could be effected.  I immediately thought about Possummink.  I do worry about our dear friend.  Always be ready to take cover at a second's notice during these storms.  They are unpredictable no matter how smart the metorologists are.  Take care dear @hullie and Bijou.  Love you!

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@meallen616 wrote:

Good Morning GIF - Good Morning GIFs


Dear @meallen616,  Thank you for my hug!  It's been a very good day for me.  Sending a Big Hug back to you! Heart

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Dear @Sassy7356 and everyone in line with the storms, please be careful and I pray that God protects you and your homes from harm.  God Bless and Protect you All! Heart

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@Sassy7356 wrote:


No breakfast for me.  I have never liked breakfast very much but do enjoy occassionally going out on the weekends.  My breakfast is the 32 ounces of coffee that I drink every morning.


Today I have INR followed by dental surgery.  The dentist plans to remove a tooth if my INR is in line.


Hope you all have a great day.


Dear @Sassy7356,  I hope that all goes well with the INR so you can go ahead and get that tooth removed.  I'm sure you're at home and resting by now.  I'm sending you some soft huggins and hope that you get to eat something.  Sleep well dear friend, Love ya! Heart

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@AnikaBrodie wrote:

@Sweet Caroline 1 wrote:

Watch: Adorable Bear Cub and Mom Splash Around in Backyard Pool

@Sweet Caroline 1 

I love this picture and it appears to be someone's swimming pool!  Smiley Happy


I have always had a love, love, love relationship with bears.  You should see my collection of Steiffs, Nisbets, and variety of arts and crafts show bears, many of them jointed and with growlers!  They are displayed in every room of our home. Heart  And I love all of them! 

Hey @AnikaBrodie,  They are in someone's pool!  They are having a wonderful time and are so much fun to watch, knowing to respect them being wild animals.  Maybe you could share some photos of your darling bears.  Heart

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@AnikaBrodie wrote:



Steiff Teddy Bears and special editions made exclusively for The Toy Shoppe

Note the large black and white bear in the photo.  Ed's parents gave him this bear when he had his tonsils removed at age 3!  When his mother found out about my love for bears she had it professionally cleaned and gifted it to me.  I still have it displayed in a cradle in our sunroom, along with several other favorites.   Heart  Smiley Happy


The photo comes from The Internet. 


Dear @AnikaBrodie,  I love reading the story about Ed's bear.  I'm so glad that you have your bears displayed so that you and Ed can enjoy them every day!  Love it! Heart