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Re: Blue Skies Ahead

[ Edited ]

Thank you all for the warm wishes to our new baby kitten. She is back at the vet this morning for a recheck on her eyes. They have improved, but are not healed yet. 


She is settling in, and is just the sweetest little baby kitten. She is already dancing sideways, and floofing. She loves to play. 


I will post a picture soon. I took some yesterday,  and when I try and post it the file is too large. My DH can help me this weekend. 


Again, thank you for your kindness.  


Update.  Misty weighs 1 pound now. She has some new eye drops, and we will continue her oral antibiotic.  Her eyes are much improved. She has had a busy morning, and just now settled in for a nap. Such a precious little one. 



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@Sassy7356 wrote:

@Sassy7356 , we have eaten watermelon every evening this week. Smiley Happy So good. 

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@Tissyanne wrote:

@Sassy7356 wrote:

@Sassy7356 , we have eaten watermelon every evening this week. Smiley Happy So good. 

@Tissyanne We have gotten a few good ones and have had some every day.  Watermelon is what I craved when pregnant with my daughter and I still so look forward to it every June.  We will get some until they can't be found here and the season is over.  


There is a family that runs a farmer's stand close to our house each summer.  It is a weekly trip there (sometimes biweekly) for all sorts of goodies - watermelon, cantaloupe, onions, red potatoes, green beans, tomatoes, etc.  They are a bit higher priced than the grocery store but worth every single bite.

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