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Re: Bird's Nest for May, 2018

@mousiegirl  I need to do better with taking photos.  Usually I get caught up in watching my critters and when it hits me to take a photo, the moment is over, lol.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Bird's Nest for May, 2018

@Bird mama wrote:

@mousiegirl  I need to do better with taking photos.  Usually I get caught up in watching my critters and when it hits me to take a photo, the moment is over, lol.

@Bird mama  I brought the thread up, critter pics begin on page 7, and you will see other poster's pics of their critters. Smiley Happy

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Re: Bird's Nest for May, 2018



Luvs,  Good to hear that the new Condo life is going well and that you are pretty well settled.   I wish you could send some of the cool weather down here to Florida.  It's so humid due to all the rain that has fallen due to Alberto and just a wet May.  The summer months are the rainy time down here for the most part.  Today is cloudy and there are thunderstorms around this area and I guess most of Florida. 


I miss full time gardening too.  I have trouble getting up and down due to herniated disc and a couple more bulging.   Even when I manage to get down, not very gracefully,  my knee keeps me uncomfortable.  Price of getting old, but better than the alternative.   My grandson in law(?) and granddaughter finished planting my banana plants on Saturday.   My brother is going to plant some Patty Pan Squash seeds for me.  My favorite squash and I cannot find them anywhere, even farm stands.  They are also called scallop squash.  I prefer the white patty pans to the yellow, but will eat the yellow if there's no other choice.  Love my squash and just about everything else. Heart    Really miss fresh homegrown tomatoes.  I use those to fix my squash too. 


I haven't seen any hummingbirds here at my son's yet,  but am sure they're around.  Lots of flowers blooming so it's a non stop buffet for them.  At home they hadn't arrived yet before I left for here.  Late spring.  I did get some flowers planted for them though.  


I hope you are feeling and doing well.   Take care and enjoy the deck and hummers. Heart

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Re: Bird's Nest for May, 2018

Here I am... Ready to sweat it out and crank it up over at @soulcycle in #CoralGables! These sweat wristbands (more like legwarmers in my case) really got me feeling fit! Make sure you check out the rest of my (ridiculous) pictures on the blog (www.HamiInMiamicom) #HamiInMiami


Conrad,  ready for a workout.   Cutie!! 

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Re: Bird's Nest for May, 2018

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Re: Bird's Nest for May, 2018

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Re: Bird's Nest for May, 2018

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Re: Bird's Nest for May, 2018

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Re: Bird's Nest for May, 2018

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Re: Bird's Nest for May, 2018