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Re: Bird's Nest for August 2016

@Bird mama wrote:



So you've heard squirrel cry/whine too?  I'm accustomed to the adults chattering.  This is the first year I got a bunch of whiny babies in the yard. I have so many first year squirrels this year it's ridiculous.


I tested the 'song' this morning.  I went out there and mimicked the whining and sure enough 2 squirrels came running from the pines at the back of the yard, 1 came running from the walnut tree and there was another one running along the privacy fence.


I wonder if they will ever let me pet them?



@Bird mama  Petting would be fun, but I always wonder if that reduces their defensive mechanisims for the rotten people who would entice them just to kill them.  


I hear chattering, but it's the plaintive drawn out sounds that bother me because I think something is wrong, but it may just be their way of communicating, and the chattering is like a person talking to themselves, lol, who knows.


I always had a special cat chat I would use with my cats, and I know they understood because they would talk back and purr, how I miss purrs. Smiley Happy



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Re: Bird's Nest for August 2016



I know, when I hear that plaintive song, I come a running, like who is stupid enough to mess with something in my yard.  


My sister's cat Mitzy and I used to sing Patsy Cline's song Crazy.  She would only sing it with me.  That cat could carry a tune, lol.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Bird's Nest for August 2016

One more thing about Mitzy, she was such a character and lived to be 22 and 1/2 years old.  When she died, it was worse for me than losing both grandmothers.   

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Bird's Nest for August 2016

@Bird mama wrote:



I know, when I hear that plaintive song, I come a running, like who is stupid enough to mess with something in my yard.  


My sister's cat Mitzy and I used to sing Patsy Cline's song Crazy.  She would only sing it with me.  That cat could carry a tune, lol.



@Bird mama  LOL!




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Re: Bird's Nest for August 2016

[ Edited ]

@Bird mama wrote:

One more thing about Mitzy, she was such a character and lived to be 22 and 1/2 years old.  When she died, it was worse for me than losing both grandmothers.   


@Bird mama  WOW, I have never had a cat that live that long.  I also had a cat named Mitzy and her twin Blitzen, Blitzy for short, when I was growing up, black with white mittens.

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Re: Bird's Nest for August 2016

[ Edited ]

I also had a cat named Striper who can say the word Ham.  When my Ma had a ham in the oven, Striper would sit in front of the oven and say Ham.

Not, meow that sounds like ham, she said the word Ham. It came out kinda mournful but is was definitely the word Ham.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Bird's Nest for August 2016

Oops, I almost forgot to post the bird for the weekend.  It's the Orange Collared Manakin.



Image result for orange collared manakin


Love the skinny orange legs and feet


Image result for orange collared manakin

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Bird's Nest for August 2016

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Re: Bird's Nest for August 2016

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Re: Bird's Nest for August 2016

@possummink This fellow just arrived, 18.5" and is on my deck watching everthing. Smiley Happy