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Re: Bird's Nest October 2019 - Harvest Time

@MalteseMomma wrote:

Hi Birdmomma. Hope you don't mind that I am also called Birdmomma here at  I feed birds andhave been feeding them  all my life.  I am 82



They are the joy of my have so many here in NJ sometimes it gets overwhelming. 


Me too, only I'm 85. Have fed them along with my Mom and later husband. I have deer , squirrel, turkey, and chipmunks. I'm usually eating at my sink, watching my critters in the back yard.

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Re: Bird's Nest October 2019 - Harvest Time

@possummink   The weather has been a little extreme here too.  We had 70's, then it hit low 80's yesterday, should hit 87 today and then tomorrow will be 74 Woman Surprised


I'm so glad that you and your sister had a chance to spend time with the little ones.  It would be great if we could bottle the energy of a 2 year old, wouldn't it?

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Bird's Nest October 2019 - Harvest Time

@HLP   My kitchen window is above the sink and I'm always looking out of it to see what's up in the yard.  I don't know where my possum went once summer really got underway.  I've had generations of groundhogs that live under my front porch.  I call each one Gerry because I don't know if they are male or female.  I have not seen Gerry for nearly 3 months and that's got me worried.  Aside from a bird bath, I keep a stainless steel old large dog bowl outside for the squirrels and possum and grounhog to drink out of.  Nothing like seeing a groundhog walk over to take a sip Heart


Depending on the season, I also have ducks that discovered my yard a couple of years ago.  

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Bird's Nest October 2019 - Harvest Time

Fat Black Cat on a Bicycle With Coffee Original Halloween Cat Folk Art Painting by KilkennyCat Art, $41.25 USD

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Re: Bird's Nest October 2019 - Harvest Time

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Re: Bird's Nest October 2019 - Harvest Time



@Bird mama 


Bernie,   It was really hot here today for the 1st day of October.   We hit 94 and broke the record.   The humidity was horrendous.   Tomorrow not quite as hot, and on Thursday,  heavenly 70ies for highs and 50ies for lows.   We didn't get much rain the  on Saturday or on Sunday.  We could use a good soaking.    


I will be so glad when the mosquito season is in the past.  They must sit right outside the door waiting for a 'blood donor' to come waltzing out just to feed them.   I am feeding the birds in record time and ought to be wearing long sleeved shirts, long pants and a beekeeper's headgear to go out and do outside chores.   I come inside and scratch and scratch till I get some Benadryl to do it's thingy. 


You are so right about bottling the energy of a 2 year old.   Kiwi is full of it.  We went out for supper last night to celebrate his mom's 21st birthday.  Awesome restaurant and food.   He was pretty good for most of the supper but hadn't had a nap and after a bit he was not wanting to be in a booster seat.  He is quite friendly and waves, talks too and smiles at everyone who's within his sight.  No different last night,  people came by and offered high 5's to him and fist bumps.   He loves it.  


I sure hope Gerry shows up before hibernation time.   My groundhog,  Piggy,  comes around more often now.  I  know he's not comfortable with me coming outside when he's near the house.  He takes off like a shot, but now he knows where there's fresh water and birdseed along with my squash plant.  I think he ate the one squash that was forming on the vine.   If he only knew how much I wanted that squash.  It was a white patty pan which is my favorite, and I haven't been able to find them anywhere for a couple years so I bought seeds and only 1 vine grew.  Will have to plant more next spring and in a better place.Cat Very Happy



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Re: Bird's Nest October 2019 - Harvest Time


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Re: Bird's Nest October 2019 - Harvest Time

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Re: Bird's Nest October 2019 - Harvest Time

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Re: Bird's Nest October 2019 - Harvest Time

[ Edited ]

Hi Birders,


It certainly does not feel like Autumn or October here.  It is a little cooler at night but still very warm during the day.  We bought mums and a large pumpkin to decorate the front of the condo with and the pumpkin is still in the condo because it is too warm outdoors and we are still running the AC.  Tomorrow it is all suppose to change.  Cooler temperatures and very cool nights.  We also are expecting rain for the next couple of days.   The foliage has started to change but the leaves are already falling and we are no where near peak foliage. 


We took in our hummingbird feeders and once the weather changes we will be putting out our bird feeders.  We were sprinkling seeds on the ground in the flower garden for the birds.  We did not see a lot of birds though.  Once the bears are hibernating we can put out the feeders.  I can't wait to see the cardinals and the juncos return.


Birdmama, thanks for the heads up on Discount Tire.  My husband thinks we have one in our area. We will definitely check them out.


Possummink, did you go to OK yet?  if so I sure do hope that you and your daughter had a nice time there.  Be careful of those mosquitoes.  We have EEE here and will have it until the first frost. 


Happy Autumn to all!!!