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Re: Back Fence - October 2019

Birdmama we ordered a Raheem. So far so good.

thankyou hellie. Nice to feel good for a change.

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Re: Back Fence - October 2019

I'm glad that you're feeling better @Epicurean 


I think we lost @Winifred  when I started the Back Fence for October.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: Back Fence - October 2019

Epi, glad to read you are doing better - super good news!


Has been a busy week - well since I do not do a lot of things any more, still was busy. Just takes me the same time now to do one thing - and not well - that I use to be able to do at least 10 things in the same time frame. Ouch.


Well I had my bagels and cream cheese early this morning - was eating them when the Gas Lady came by to light my heater pilot light. She was fast and thorough! Sill enjoy women doing jobs that once were all male. Way to go!!


Hope all had a great day.

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Re: Back Fence - October 2019

Heading north tomorrow for a few days to check out the fall colors.The leaves are just starting to turn here at my part of the fence but should be beautiful up north.


I left some chips and salsa to snack on.Have a good week.

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Re: Back Fence - October 2019

I went to the dentist today to get a crown replaced.  The prep is done, the molds have been sent out and the temporary feels okay so far.  I go back in November to pick the tooth up, lol.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Back Fence - October 2019

@Bird mama 


Wow, that's a long wait for a crown.  I hated having to deal with temporary crowns.  Thankfully, my dentist now has a 3-D printer so most crowns can be done in the same visit.


Take care and watch those crunchy foods for the next few weeks!🦷

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Re: Back Fence - October 2019

not much going on. Weather is nice and cool,great sleeping,last night I got really cold. 

Have gotten three estimates for my kitchen cabinets. Will contact him in the next few days. Know it will be a mess around here,but worth it. I think I’ll go with a flat sage green for my cabinets. Maybe with black handles and pulls. 

Must go grocery shopping,but will wait till Monday. Hate to go out on the weekends,everything is so darn crowded.

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Re: Back Fence - October 2019

I did my grocery shopping yesterday @Epicurean   I didn't need many things so I was in and out and that's how I like it Woman Happy  We're in a cool spell where the high's won't beyond the mid 50's.  I like green shades like sage or olive and pairing sage with black handles sounds pretty.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Back Fence - October 2019

Had a nice time up north.Colors not at peak yet.Will have to go back in a couple of weeks.We will drive the car  as it is too cold for riding the motorcycle.I am a fair weather bke rider,no real cold or rain if I can help it.


Have a great week!

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Re: Back Fence - October 2019

After having a few days of brilliant sunshine, we're back to overcast skies. 


A few years ago I let a mattress salesman talk me into a firm mattress.  He said that if I started with a softer mattress it would break down sooner and I fell for it.


I'm a side sleeper and that bed of mine hurts my shoulders.  I know it doesn't help that I sleep knotted up like a pretzel.  I'm 57 and have slept knotted up like a pretzel since I was a kid so that's not changing Woman Tongue


I ordered a highly rated mattress topper from JCP yesterday.  I'm hoping that once I put that thing under the puffy/quilted mattress pad already on the bed that my shoulders will feel better.


It's a 2 inch gel foam with a zip off cover.  I didn't want to go thicker than 2 inches because I have to be able to roll around in my bed, lol. 


I'm hoping it doesn't have a funky foam smell.  Once I receive it, I'll drape an old sheet on the garage floor, open the garage door and air that thing out for a few hours two days in a row.


I sleep on a daybed (by choice) so flipping a twin size topper around will be easy. 

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise