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Re: Are you a trusting person? I keep seeing all these people who send money


Yes, I'm generally trusting and want to take things at face value. For example, I don't know why people accuse others of lying on these boards - I mean it's just a shopping board. In real life, I'm sometimes skeptical of people, but I can't think of a time when anyone took advantage of me in a big way.  

      ______________ @AuntG,


      Your reply was very sweet, along with being more so cautious than non trusting. We live in a world that does not shelter every one from our day to day living situations, or live behind closed walls -safe within our boundaries.

As you, @AuntG, I can not think of a time when anyone took advantage of me, meaning causing me harm.


The fear that people have as non trusting is a reflection from today's society that has slowing been growing over a long period of time. 

 I can't believe, within my geography circle,... ( and of course that is only for me to say ) with some depth of almost total confidence.

How sad that must be, to show some degree of unhappiness, in not trusting anyone. 


If we are speaking of having no control over someone else, i.e., drivers speeding, along with cell phones glue to their ear, dark blacken windows, scamming gurus trying to take advantage of me, then I know 'intuitively enough' to stay away. 


Actually this question is to convoluted to have a perfect answer that would/ could meet everyone's thought or experiences, recently ....or from their past. 


I did read through some of the posts- just not everyone's blunt spoken questionable answer almost  in granite.


I have no way to know why that person or experience caused their answer.. Within the country/ world as a whole, that would be under another topic.


I know of the people -here- who tell non truths, maybe even dangerous, but this is only a board where anyone can express their venting, design their own lives to embellish, or have a family that was not there even one year ago.

Many are lonely for sure, as I view what I've read. I know when asking for prayer or good thought, those aer the ones that are reaching out, they trust that [WE] here on the forums will trust that very wish.


No, I would NOT  let a stranger in my home whom I have never met ,or become a guest.


I am trusting if a plumber, anyone who has been hired to rendered services,

we have asked for, I have -still- that trusting inner feeling I can be safe and not become a victim.

Also, a lot depends on one's territory, and their surroundings.

To have an anxious state of mind that carries over to be afraid, would not be mine. People of different backgrounds, or many people coming into this country would be another topic. !?! I trust my bank, my minister, my neighbors, my co-workers, et cetra. 


I, again do not exactly understand this question with a simple yes or no....without explaining some element of what possess that conclusion.


I would not trust going into a dark ally in a strange area alone, if that what the question pertains as answering?


Now, that / THERE would be some limitation to a not trusting as of me..(vs) being a trusting person.


   In other words I do not not POSITION myself to be around Potential Dangerous Situations.

I have no control of the driver behind me, or the chef  having evil thoughts putting poison in my in ordering  from that restaurant's selected foods.


We DO trust MORE more than we think we do,  along with the doctors or his/ her colleagues and many every day life events. There is no person that can not explain with a that >>simple no. Granted, the world has changed, and is certainly not the one I grew up in.


             I'll give everyone ``that! I have traveled the entire world (except for Africa & the Middle East) and had pretty much trust of those protecting me, while there. A TRUSTING PERSON of what or to whom?

The entire country, world or everyone in general?


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Re: Are you a trusting person? I keep seeing all these people who send money

A couple of days ago, I was at the post office in line behind a little old man who was talking to the postal clerk. Apparently he had gotten one of those phone calls from "Jack" (with the Pakistan accent) who says he is with Publisher's Clearing House and you have just won $500,000.00 and a new car. All we need from you is the tax, title, and license fee for the car, blah, blah, blah. You've probably heard the spiel. Well, the old man fell for it and  put $1600.00 in cash in an envelope and mailed it to a P.O Box in Chicago. He said they had also asked for a cashier's check for $6,000.00 which he had gone to his bank and gotten. He also mailed that to them. Luckily, he got wise, and had a stop payment put on the cashier check before it could be cashed.   

Deep In The Heart of Texas
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Re: Are you a trusting person? I keep seeing all these people who send money

I am not a very trusting person, and I was raised to be this way.


My father was a police officer, and my mother had a rough young life. They both raised us in reality, and part of that was that trust has to be earned. 


I know many say 'you have my trust until you break it' but I see it just the opposite. I'm skeptical of you until I know you a long time, and we have enough of a relationship for you to earn my trust.


I don't go around acting like I don't trust people, but I am guarded about a lot of things. I don't get too familiar with people early on. I know a lot of people who, after knowing you for like ten minutes, are willing to give you anything, do anything for you, and tell you anything about their lives and private business. That just isn't me. And I don't want people to be that trusting of me right off either. 

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Re: Are you a trusting person? I keep seeing all these people who send money



    I do _understand_ what your attempt was... and  believe me, 'there is NO ONE any STREET SMART than I!

         My parents taught me that day one. 


       A few years ago, I had told my husband:


   I DON't trust anyone-period.

The TV media and those around me had me `almost programmed as Not Trusting anyone or barely anything!


      I was there, ALSO

Just not there anymore.  Smiley Happy


            Have a great weekend. PEACE.


  I appreciated your post. Thank you. 

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Re: Are you a trusting person? I keep seeing all these people who send money


I am not trusting at all.  I see these women who send money to men they met online.  I would not even pay for his dinner with him sitting across the table.   I want to be a trusting person but life has taught me to be very sceptical of someone trying to do me a favor.  I have been ripped off my auto mechanics, home repair and other things.  When someone does a good professional job at a fair price and treats me right I get emotional. 


@chiclet.... I don't see your healthy sense of skeptism towards potential online scammers and flim-flammers, grifters and other dishonest types in real life as a trust issue at all. You're just not gullible. Good for you! 


I'm not naive to their twisted ways either, or incompetent, thankfully. Not to suggest it would be impossible to deceive me, but I'm absolutely not shopping around to be used by some sleaze bag, or bamboozled by some 'too good to be true' offer. 


Doesn't make us less than trusting of those who deserve to be in our lives. 


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Re: Are you a trusting person? I keep seeing all these people who send money





Your thread title question is too vague for me to answer. I give everyone the benefit of doubt, up and until they give me a reason not to do so. Relying on a person, and trusting a person, to me are complete different categories. 


As an example: I know our mailman fairly well, but only in relation to his job, and some things he likes to do in his life. I rely on him to bring our mail and packages, which he is among the best. That however does not mean I would trust him to Pet Sit our furry family for a few days.


Running every aspect of my Adult Hockey League for 52+ years, which included handing lots of $$$ and making many life changing decisions (life changing for me, losing friends) gave me decades of experiences dealing with people from all parts of our country, even other countries.


I can count on 1 hand the number of people that I "trusted" that let me down. Some having to do with $$$, others having to do with how I chose to run my Hockey League(rules etc.). 


There are very few people now in my life that I NEED to TRUST, among them are my doctors and our Veterinarian. Others?  I may rely on them, but as I previously said, that in no way, comes even close to having to trust them.






I enjoy your posts so much, you always share knowledge and teach ME something!

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Don't assign anyone else that much POWER
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Re: Are you a trusting person? I keep seeing all these people who send money


I trust people in general until they give me a reason not to. I'm not stupid about it though. Sending someone you've never met money, is stupidity, not trusting and naive.

Yes.  My thoughts exactly.


I had just written a reply, but it was too long, so I deleted it.  You said exactly what I had wanted to say.  It's perfectly possible to be a trusting person and also not be naive.  Like you, I trust people until there's a reason not to.  It's worked for me so far.


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Re: Are you a trusting person? I keep seeing all these people who send money

It's tax time and scammers are taking advantage of it.  People call and say they're with the IRS and they will be deported or jailed if they don't wire money to them (IRS) right away.  


First, the IRS never calls.


Second, never wire money to someone who calls you.   


Third, call the IRS (or whatever company) if you think they called you.  


Fourth, talk to your parents, family about scams.

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Re: Are you a trusting person? I keep seeing all these people who send money

I had a very kind and generous friend who many years ago co-signed for her sister to get a house.  Her sister did not even tell her that the house was going into foreclosure so that my friend could have done something about it.   Another friend had same situation with a brother and boat.  If someone co signed for me the first thing I would pay that month would be that loan.  I do not mean that I would not help people but don't put yourself in a situation where helping does not really help them and hurts you.  My friend's sister did not wind up with a home and my friend's credit was ruined.  Being generous in that situation hurt both of them.  The boat thing cause a lot of problems in that family.

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Re: Are you a trusting person? I keep seeing all these people who send money

I would say I was back in my youth very trustful --naive I guess you would call it.  I thought that people said what they meant and that everyone was truthful and honest.  That's how I was brought up.  Now, I am very suspicious of people.  After being burned and used quite a few times.  I hate to admit it, but I think most things are scams and people are trying to take advantage of good, kind, honest hard-working people.  Sadly, the bad people in the world have ruined it for the people who really do need help. 

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin