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Re: When Did Drs. & Others Start to Treat You as if You Are OLD? & When Did You Feel Old?

The doctors office started in on treating me old as soon as I turned 65.they want to send someone to my home to trip proof it etc.I walk five fast miles a day...why do I need railings in my shower?I recently had a surgery and I am back on my feet and doing everything I did before except going to the gym.Mine closed permanently during Covid and I got out of that habit.I am 68 and not ready to be assisted with my living yet.

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Re: Are You Treated Like You are OLD?!

@CABRIT wrote:

It started last year with me when I developed arthritis and have to use a cane.  I hate it. 

@CABRIT   Me too!

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Re: Are You Treated Like You are OLD?!

I am soon to be 68, my doctor told me I am her healthiest patient and don't look my age.  I am grateful that I am so healthy.

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Re: Are You Treated Like You are OLD?!

Sometimes I wished I looked old so someone would volunteer to put the bottled water cases in my basket. Cat LOL

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Re: Are You Treated Like You are OLD?!

I may be a senior citizen but I am not elderly 

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

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Re: When Did Drs. & Others Start to Treat You as if You Are OLD? & When Did You Feel Old?

@cjm61 that was a cute story! 

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Re: Are You Treated Like You are OLD?!

I am old--70's. Even with all my health problems, I don't feel old. So weird...

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Re: Are You Treated Like You are OLD?!

@CatsyCline wrote:

a lot of younger (mostly men) peeps are now  calling me "dear" or "hon" and they never did before.


that would really set my teeth on edge; I think it's very disrespectful.

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Re: Are You Treated Like You are OLD?!

I am 80 and it has begun. Before that no. I did fall on my stairs and went to doctors and X-rays. Now they suggest physical therapy. Oh no I guess it's my turn.

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Re: Are You Treated Like You are OLD?!

I know this is an older post but just now seeing it reminded me of a funny story.


My husband retired a few years ago after working in a very physical job for all of his career. He was a commercial and industrial electrician and spent years climbing ladders and hauling heavy equipment for his job.  He's very strong and physically fit for a man of 67. 


He was at the supermarket one day and the girl bagging the groceries asked him if he needed help carrying out a small bag that had only four lightweight items in it.  He was polite and told her no he could handle it.  


When he got home and told me the story he laughed and said I know I'm older but I'm far from feeble.   I told him she must have been very young because to a young person anyone over 45 is old.  I was glad that he could laugh about it and not feel insulted.