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Re: Anyone know what happened to the forum about the neighbors that got uninvited?

[ Edited ]

@viva923That's quite a story.  If you had eaten any food, it seems she would have taken it out of your mouths, rather than you taking it out of someone else's mouth.

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Re: Anyone know what happened to the forum about the neighbors that got uninvited?

MIss Manners would be having vapors over any hostess being that rude.

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Re: Anyone know what happened to the forum about the neighbors that got uninvited?

@KathyPet wrote:

MIss Manners would be having vapors over any hostess being that rude.



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Re: Anyone know what happened to the forum about the neighbors that got uninvited?

@cherry wrote:

The OP wisely asked for it to be deleted

There was nothing untoward about that thread and it was inconsiderate, not wise, of the OP to request it be removed. When a poster offers a topic for discussion, attracts interest, then for no goood reason, snatches it away it leaves those who cared enough to respond miffed and wondering what happened.

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Re: Anyone know what happened to the forum about the neighbors that got uninvited?

We disagree, which is 100% OK!

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Re: Anyone know what happened to the forum about the neighbors that got uninvited?

@cherry wrote:

The OP wisely asked for it to be deleted

Unless it had turned nasty, I'm not sure why it would have been 'wise' to ask that it be deleted... but whatever...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...