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Re: Anyone Going to Their High School Class Reunion Soon?

So many of the posters here really hated high school. That is always amazing to me. I had a great time in high school. Wish I could do it again - well except for chemistry and latin.

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Re: Anyone Going to Their High School Class Reunion Soon?

@Leeny@151949@Puzzle Piece@violann@CatsyCline


I have gone to DHs reunions. He had a group then his senior year rebelled. The IN crowd is still scratching their heads as to why he broke away from them. But these were GIRLS.

His very best friends in life were included in the high school years. He didn't know he was popular (HA).

I have enjoyed this glimpse into his past! His stories told with gusto always included the "Adventures of The Boys." THEY are a hoot.


My DH and I met late in life... but even with his animated, somewhat immature HS friends... HE REMAINS THEIR STRAIGHT MAN!

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Re: Anyone Going to Their High School Class Reunion Soon?

Our class had a 10 yr and 25 yr reunion; neither received much interest, which is why I'm assuming the group stopped planning them.    I did not attend either one, nor have an interest in attending any in the future.    

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Re: Anyone Going to Their High School Class Reunion Soon?

My class has began planning our 50th Reunion for June 2017, and we are having the best time getting together!  I have reacquainted with old friends from HS and met new friends that I did not know in HS, it has been a wonderful experience!  I volunteered for this, because I was not popular, smart, athletic, etc. during HS, just an average student, and it has been a rewarding experience to do something special for our 50th Reunion!

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Re: Anyone Going to Their High School Class Reunion Soon?

39 years and I have never been to one my h.s. reunions.  I think h.s. just wasn't a big deal for me.  I don't go to my college reunions either but our group; about 10 of us, has our own reunion every 5 years.  That's always fun. 

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Re: Anyone Going to Their High School Class Reunion Soon?

DH has always gone to my HighSchool reunions for a coed school...held every 5 years.  He knows a few guys and always chats with whoever is around.  He's a good sport after hearing a lot of " your wife was the smartest person in our class. "


The cliques seem to taper off at the 50th.  Our 55th will be next year.  Hopefully, we won't lose any more classmates.


This summer I attended my 50th college reunion ( an all women's school then ).


While I don't live in the past, just seeing and talking with the folks is enjoyable.  Have reconnected with two of my HighSchool classmates who live nearby.


Went to a classmate's funeral recently and waved to his cousin, also a classmate.  His wife said to go over and introduce myself because he had had a stroke and his memory was impaired.  When I did so, he was happy to see me but embarrassed by his memory issue.


I wonder how many more reunions there will be before our memories are erased.....


Enjoy the opportunities now, tomorrow may be too late.


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Re: Anyone Going to Their High School Class Reunion Soon?

Leeny & candle queen, I live 45 miles S. of Madison.  It is one hot day & the same tomorrow.  Then a cold front coming through just in time for the weekend.  Right now I am glad that my class reunion is in October.  

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Re: Anyone Going to Their High School Class Reunion Soon?

I will let you all know how my reunion goes after this weekend. I am looking forward to it as I am going with my best friend from 2nd grade and has been since. We don't see one another very often and even though the miles have separated us we can still pick up like we've never missed a day when we see each other. Since I came from a huge class, I bet  we will be lucky if 20% show up. That's just a guess, but that's just my personal feelings. I had a lot of fun in highschool and have lost two very good friends already.  Lets hope it's not toooooo hot......

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Re: Anyone Going to Their High School Class Reunion Soon?

Our town has a "fest" every year.  A lot of people go, so it's a reunion every year.  It is this weekend. 

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Re: Anyone Going to Their High School Class Reunion Soon?

@151949 wrote:

So many of the posters here really hated high school. That is always amazing to me. I had a great time in high school. Wish I could do it again - well except for chemistry and latin.

Can't say I hated. Not at all.  It was just something to get through.  The years one goes to high school are very trying on adolescents.  Peer pressure, bad home life, the times in general.  My generation had lost family in Vietnam and some never recovered.  It was also a time when teens could drive at 16 and leave and go experience adventures.  I know folks don't get together because they've moved on - their reasons are unique to all. 

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