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Re: Anybody hate it when their routine is broken

@Texasmouse  Definitely! Sanctuary, that's the right word.

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Re: Anybody hate it when their routine is broken

While I love my at-home routine, it doesn't mean that I don't want to leave my house. In fact, going out for weekly groceries or errands is something I enjoy. On the other hand, traveling for a vacation or hosting others in my home would not be something that I'd agree too - that would be way out of the routine, maybe it's an age thing! Even our 2 kitties know our routine and follow it!

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Re: Anybody hate it when their routine is broken

I totally enjoy my morning routine. Get up around the same time, have coffee while watching one of the morning shows then shower and get dressed. I'm more flexible in the afternoon but I really do prefer routines!  

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Re: Anybody hate it when their routine is broken

@suzyQ3 wrote:

My OCD prevents me from being spontaneous, much to my chargrin. It's as if I'm in my own prison.


But I have a family and do force myself to be a part of them.

I should add that I get very squirrly when we have to have work inside our house that involves many rooms -- like the carpet cleaning that I've put off way too long. It just feels intrusive.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: Anybody hate it when their routine is broken



I retired in '91 and with that went a routine. Now most days I just wing it.




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Re: Anybody hate it when their routine is broken

I don't even like weekends because everything is upended.  News shows and hosts are different, meal schedule is changed.  One exception, professional football starts this Sunday.

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Re: Anybody hate it when their routine is broken

Today we had new carpeting put on the stairs and hall. Up extra early. Am I feeling it. Kept busy while they were here. Now I am so tired that I will probably lay down. I am a routine person for sure.

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Re: Anybody hate it when their routine is broken

One thing for sure, I do not like to be woken up.  So whenever I wake up in the morning and feel like getting up, I do.  But if I feel like staying in bed and perhaps sleeping more, I do. 


Therefore, I never make appointments before noontime.  In the event that I have to, I usually have a bad night sleeping!  It ruins my routine of sleep, if that makes sense. 


And I'm not talking just doctor/dentist appointments----do not book me on an early flight, either.  I don't care if it's a fabulous trip, the worst way to start a nice vacation is to be up at the crack of dawn.


That said, I love when I wake up super early (this a.m. was 5:24), but it's on my own terms!


What I do during the day is always up in the air.  I have no set plans.  The only thing that is set in stone is getting lunch and dinner each day, which is something I enjoy doing.  Breakfast for my husband--he's on his own.


I don't even have a set bedtime, sometimes we go to bed when it's still light out.  Other times it's the middle of the night.  Like 2 a.m.  But either way, don't wake me up.  And that goes for naps, too!

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Re: Anybody hate it when their routine is broken

@Mayflowers wrote:

I am a homebody and love doing my daily routine rituals. I recently had to attend events out of town and am SO thankful to be back at home to my normal routine.  Some don't understand.  Do you like being or the go or staying put?

Maybe you didn't enjoy the people at the event?  That was me whenever it involved my in laws.  I couldn't wait to get home.  The only time I can tolerate them is when they are at my home and I usually just busy myself so I don't really have to interact with them.  lol

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Re: Anybody hate it when their routine is broken

I definitely prefer a routine and a schedule even in my retirement. I do certain things at certain times on certain days. I just function and feel better if I know what's coming and what's expected. I've been this way since childhood. I'm not a spontaneous person. 

I like being at home, because it's calm, peaceful, and relaxing. I enjoy going out with friends or family once in a while, but sometimes their "drama" wears me out so it's good to be home again. I like a yearly vacation & enjoy sightseeing, but living out of a suitcase and being out of my routine gets tiring after a week.