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Another heat record broken

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Phoenix broke another record today. 90 degrees. The latest we have ever had a 90 degree day. The previous record high was 89. More to follow. This is getting ridiculous. Come on winter. What did we do to make Mother Nature so angry?

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Re: Another heat record broken

We are also having ridiculous weather. Tired of taking off putting electric blanket back on bed. It's going back off tomorrow. LOL!!!

We are suppose to be close to 80° half this week. 

I have to keep changing the thermostat from heat to air. 

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Re: Another heat record broken

It was 88 degrees today in my area next to Fort Lauderdale, FL. Very delightful. It's 80 now at 6PM. Wouldn't be anywhere else.

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Re: Another heat record broken

@Meowingkitty.  You make me so happy to be in Albuquerque.   It has been in 50s and 60s; supposed to get up to 70° Wednesday, before cooling down again.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Another heat record broken



And that is why I like living on the East coast with a true change of seasons!


It is Autumn, almost all the leaves have fallen from the trees, and tonight the temperature is going down to the mid-twenties.  BRRR!


So far I have not yet had to wear any of my heavy winter coats, but that weather will be on the way soon.  DH is hoping for some snow soon so he can go to the mountains for early skiing.


Trying to decide which restaurant I should order from for take-out Thanksgiving--no travel this year!

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Re: Another heat record broken

I also live in the Phoenix area.  I am soooo sick of living in an area where we are breaking all of these heat records AND not being able to remember when it rained last.  Yes I could move...however not financially able to right now.  But as soon as I have enough money I'm out of here as fast as possible!!!!!

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Re: Another heat record broken

I'm in the midwest and we broke a number of heat records this fall too.  We broke a record on Tuesday and it's now in the low 30s.  We get whiplash with our temps these days.  However, I'll take the heat over snow, ice, and below zero temps any day.