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Sometimes I'm not so sure I am.  Am I in the wrong place or are they. 

"Never water yourself down just because someone can't handle you 100% proof."
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If you're refering to your other post hon, with the thousands on this board ideas often vary.


Hope you have a peaceful night.

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Registered: ‎06-27-2010

Re: Among Friends

[ Edited ]


"20 Things I Give Myself Permission To Do...


1.    I give myself permission to laugh.
2.    I give myself permission to play.
3.    I give myself permission to rest.
4.    I give myself permission to make mistakes.
5.    I give myself permission to simply say “No” to things that drain me.
6.    I give myself permission to say “Yes” to what I want to do.
7.    I give myself permission to dream and then pursue those dreams.
8.    I give myself permission to be alone sometimes.
9.    I give myself permission to ask for what I want.
10.  I give myself permission to be who and what I am.
11.  I give myself permission to design my own way, my own life.
12.  I give myself permission to try and try again.
13.  I give myself permission to hurt, to be angry, to be upset.
14.  I give myself permission to forgive, move on, not forget, but let go.
15.  I give myself permission to ask for help and to rely on and need others.
16.  I give myself permission to ignore naysayers and negative or cruel people.

17.  I give myself permission to care more about what I think, and less about what others think.
18.  I give myself permission to fully adore and love myself just as I am.
19.  I give myself permission to embrace my flaws and let them be part of my quirky self.
20.  I give myself permission to break the rules and create my way."

(unknown source)





Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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@Karnerblue wrote:

Sometimes I'm not so sure I am.  Am I in the wrong place or are they. 

@Karnerblue You're right where you need to be. I agree with @dooBdoo@ECBG and what they posted. Be well my friend and say no to pessimism!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Among Friends

[ Edited ]

You have many friends here.  Some people will never understand your journey. Try to ignore them. 

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Registered: ‎05-01-2010

Re: Among Friends

[ Edited ]

@cotton4me wrote:

You have many friends here.  Some people will never understand your journey. Try to ignore them. 

Cottonball is right. Try and ignore the nasty ones. 

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Registered: ‎06-27-2013


I was concerned for you and if I am looking at the post that you started correctly I wanted to add

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Have you ever noticed on the boards that some of the posters are watching QVC and notice the smallest details that I myself have to go back and look at later.  Example: I saw the model wearing a certain blouse and noticed that there were strings hanging from the hem, or for instance the question of what shirt was a host wearing and where can a poster find it, and than that person is able to describe the shirt in exact detail.

IMHO I wonder if some able to see or are more focused on the details and can indeed see beauty and meaning in a whole different way than others?  I hope this makes sense as I was trying to be as concise as possible. Be well!

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Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Among Friends

[ Edited ]


@Karnerblue, I opened up the other thread in passing but felt it was best not to follow it.  My heart did go out to you though. *s*


I agree with what everyone else in this thread has already said. -- The QVC forums are huge and so folks are coming here for all sorts of reasons, and from all sorts of perspectives. I think that's just the nature of MBs (though I think the wenners are generally good group of folks). 


My hope for you is that you can receive the best of the MBs care and concern, and just let the rest of the energy go through you and on its way to where it is supposed to go. 


I hope you have a great weekend. 


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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Posts: 662
Registered: ‎04-20-2012

@dooBdoo Your "20 Things" post is wonderful!  i'm going print it & it's going on the fridge.  thanks so much for sharing.


@Karnerblue  hi, karner, hang in there, buddy; it seems that in just life in general, everyone has a lot to say about everything.  tho no one says we have to agree w/all of it or any of it. 


so we try to roll w/it....i admit some weeks i feel like a firestone tire i'm rolling w/it so much!  Smiley Surprised)  



Blowing out someone else's candle doesn't make yours brighter.
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People do not listen to understand, only to reply!


Many of us understand your situation and why you don't just pull up and leave.   There are many entrapments that aren't always about money.   Take care of yourself, YOU are important!