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Rude ,bullying,name calling not to forget  physically abusive and deadly.I hope the children aren't watching as the behavior is out of control.Cant seem to present a good role model for the adults of the future.

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Re: Adult behavior in the news

I have been out and about, now what did I miss? Jeez. It’s always something!

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Re: Adult behavior in the news

@BirdieGal You didn't miss's just the same sorry mess that doesn't show signs of improving.

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Re: Adult behavior in the news

The news is full of things that we don't want anyone doing.



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Re: Adult behavior in the news

@jaxs mom It sure is and just keeps sinking.

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Re: Adult behavior in the news

Forget the news, you can find all the rudeness and bullying right here.

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Re: Adult behavior in the news

We should not tolerate rude, crude, ignorant verbal violence. Civil discourse is in danger of disappearing, at a heavy cost to all of us.

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Re: Adult behavior in the news

It's all learned behavior, starting with ME and what I want, progressing to pushing what I want on those around me, with or without consent or rebuttal.  Continuing on to my children, who are not being taught manners, congeniality or empathy for others and if the kids don't behave after telling them 14 times, I give up, let them behave any way they wish, I'm too busy anyway.....


It HAS gone  downhill and likely to get worse because no one sees the mess they are creating with the next generations....  and this isn't to say ALL children, there are many, many wonderful kids, but human nature being what it is, good is hardly ever emulated.  Sad.

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: Adult behavior in the news

All you have to do is read this board and you will see how big a problem adults bullying is. Especially woman criticizing other woman for clothing choices ect. It's sad..

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Re: Adult behavior in the news

It starts from the top, down.



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