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Re: A frugal habit others may think a waste of time?

@Gorgf   Thanks for the spatula suggestion ...    I bought a spatula that is very slim and allows me to get every last bit out of the bottom of my Vitamix!!!!  LOVE IT.  Same concept I guess.  THanks again.

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Re: A frugal habit others may think a waste of time?

My cheapness has really come out at fast food restaurants during the pandemic.  We only order specials or things we have coupons for.  McDonald's has two for one breakfast sandwiches before 10:30 with a coupon.  Wendy's has Dave' Singles, Nuggets, and two kinds of chicken sandwiches at 2 for $5.00.  Senior coffee at our Wendy's is free. We rarely will spend 2.99 for a large drink, but if we do we split it 


I also shop the scratch and dent shelves at our favorite supermarket.  Milk expiring today is 2.00 a gallon.  Dented cans and discontinued items usually less than half price.  I've yet to get anything that has spoiled.  

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Re: A frugal habit others may think a waste of time?

Hubbs says I am not frugal, I know good value.

A few years back when we negotiated purchasing some property,our buyer broker said the same thing. I just think I am cheap.

And there was no one left to speak out for me....
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Re: A frugal habit others may think a waste of time?

DH is far worse than I.  Since his retirement four years ago all kinds of strange habits are coming out.  He tears paper towels into fourths for napkins.  Imagine how that goes with spaghetti or pizza.  He wears clothes that should be in the dump although he has plenty of decent things to last the rest of his life.  I keep telling him all this stuff will go great in his estate auction.  

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Re: A frugal habit others may think a waste of time?

@depglass wrote:

DH is far worse than I.  Since his retirement four years ago all kinds of strange habits are coming out.  He tears paper towels into fourths for napkins.  Imagine how that goes with spaghetti or pizza.  He wears clothes that should be in the dump although he has plenty of decent things to last the rest of his life.  I keep telling him all this stuff will go great in his estate auction.  


You made me think.  I'm the frugal one and my husband is the absolute opposite.   Because of that, I find that I have to go overboard to make up for his wastefulness.


But, being that he doesn't do moderation, I imagine what I wish for (him being less wasteful) would turn into what you describe.  *sigh*  I can't even imagine how far overboard he would go.


At least I've gotten him to recycle.  I just wish he would quit the plastic bags because I cannot find a place, since CV19, to recycle plastic.  Waste Management only takes stuff like boxes, paper, jars, bottles (incl plastic bottles, at least).


I have bags and bags of those plastic bags from the grocery store and nowhere to take them.

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Re: A frugal habit others may think a waste of time?

FYI @chickenbutt 

About those plastic tab thingies that close bread bags: I once saw an actual use for keep the upper part of a flip flop connected to the bottom. Smiley Very Happy



Muddling through...
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Re: A frugal habit others may think a waste of time?

@sabatini wrote:

FYI @chickenbutt 

About those plastic tab thingies that close bread bags: I once saw an actual use for keep the upper part of a flip flop connected to the bottom. Smiley Very Happy




Oh wow!  Seeing that reminds me that I've seen that before, many years ago.   I haven't had any thongs in ages, but good to know there could be a purpose for this plethora of bread things I have saved!  Smiley Very Happy

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Re: A frugal habit others may think a waste of time?

I guess not much. But we overall big picture have always lived below our means consciously.  Even when we were making diddly squat.


But I don't extra squeeze toothpaste tubes or keep shards of bar soap or dry out Kleenex.  We let our neighbor put stuff in our garbage can because we can't fill it every week and there's room. So maybe he's the frugal one. But we don't mind.

I've never been a paper towel user, I buy packs of wash clothes and wipe counters, stove etc and throw them in the wash machine. So maybe that's my "thing"


We definitely spend $$ on vacations, including Disney. To each his own.  You can't take it with you 

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Re: A frugal habit others may think a waste of time?

I try to be a good manager of food, how it is used, clothing and don't buy lots of shoes and handbags now that I don't work, and buy little makeup or skincare.


But I pitch things out.  I don't think there is greater glory in keeping old bang, cartons and bottles you won't use or even don't want to use. 

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Re: A frugal habit others may think a waste of time?

@godi wrote:

My Dad would sandwich ends of soap together till he got a big enough piece to hold on too. I keep two hand towels on each end of sink they are for hand washing. It cuts down on paper towel usage. One roll lasts me about two weeks. 

Years ago, I purchased a set of 2 metal towel holders - one clips over the cabinet door under the kitchen sink - and the other one clips over the cabinet door under the bathroom sink. I put hand towels in each - and wash them every day. Saves lots of money on paper towels.