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A Message From Annabelle The Cat 6/6/23

Ladies, I got a text from our lovely Annabelle.


First, she has a loving family and her daughters, and all of the family make sure she is well cared for.  Her family is often there and she does get out a little.


Her love, "Bill" the older cat and constant companion is at "the point his kidneys have almost shut down, he won't eat and so on.".  She has a friend that works for the vet and is being guided in his last days.  Please say a prayer for our lovely friend.  

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Re: A Message From Annabelle The Cat 6/6/23

I miss seeing her here.  I must have missed the updates.  She never fully recovered from the accident?  I hope I'm wrong about that and that she's doing great and will be back here posting soon.

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Re: A Message From Annabelle The Cat 6/6/23



There haven't been many updates.  


She still has that shard of bone near her jugular vein.  She said she does drive a little, and the girls visit, but Bill is her constant relationship day to day.

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Re: A Message From Annabelle The Cat 6/6/23

Thanks, @ECBG , have been wondering how she was getting along. Glad she still has Bill. We all need that kind of love and comfort.

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Re: A Message From Annabelle The Cat 6/6/23

Thanks for being kind enough to keep us posted, @ECBG . Prayers up for Annabelle,  and hopes for optimism and an improving quality of life.   She's such a dear, and a life force!

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Re: A Message From Annabelle The Cat 6/6/23

Thankfully Annabelle has a wonderful support system in her family, that is important and comforting. It is good she does get out even if for a brief time.  I am sorry her companion, Bill is not doing well, it is never easy losing a cherished pet who is part of the family.  


Thanks for the update and may Annabelle take each day as it comes and may good health return soon.

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Re: A Message From Annabelle The Cat 6/6/23

I too send my prayers and best wishes to Anna.  I hope she is able to at least follow here to see our love and support coming her way.  My thoughts are with her as she manages the care of her beloved Bill.  

If my dog doesn't like you, neither do I.
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Re: A Message From Annabelle The Cat 6/6/23

So glad there's been some communication @ECBG. Really miss her spunky posts, but her life has changed significantly. Be well, Annabelle.

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Re: A Message From Annabelle The Cat 6/6/23

@ECBG  Thank you. I miss her posts so much. She always made me chuckle.Heart

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Re: A Message From Annabelle The Cat 6/6/23

Sending prayers and well wishes to Annabelle and Bill 🙏🏻🌷💐


We miss your stories 😊