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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: 20 Year Anniversary of 9/11…

[ Edited ]

I will never forget!!..I put out our flag each Sept. 11.


I was getting ready for work & a friend called to tell me to put on the TV.  I tried calling DH who worked in NJ and all lines were down for the day.


As I drove to work I listened to the news and they mentioned a plane over PA and I can remember looking to the skies wondering where it was....


It turned out the pilot of the second plane that went into the south tower lived in the town next to ours.  His wife along with the families of others who were killed that day created a memorial garden of reflection in the township.


My cousin lost his brother in law in the south tower.  His remains were fund 8 months later.


I went to the memorial in NYC 4 years ago.  One of the last times that I visited NYC.


It's hard to believe that it's twenty years.

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Re: 20 Year Anniversary of 9/11…

I was on vaca at home painting deck material---watched the whole thing on the Today show---still cannot watch programs about it --just makes me sick and so very sad for all involved---tried to watch the CNN 9/11 last night but watching the firefighters trying to do what they do and seeing the utter dispair on the faces just broke my heart

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Re: 20 Year Anniversary of 9/11…

@Mj12   ..were you from Hudson County in NJ?  

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Posts: 9,733
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: 20 Year Anniversary of 9/11…

@Boehm Collector wrote:

@Mj12   ..were you from Hudson County in NJ?  

@Boehm Collector  No, I'm from Monmouth County.