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Posts: 1
Registered: ‎03-27-2015

I love Tara and I love everything she's done with the Temptations line. My favorite pattern is Floral Lace and light blue is my color.

But why, oh why, oh why does Tara insist on putting those ugly brown handles on my beautiful blue bakeware. Brown handles are even on the dinner mugs.

Blue is my color choice not blue and brown.

I hesitate to buy any new Floral Lace because of this.

Tara, please put blue handles on the blue bakeware, and green handles on the green bakeware, etc.

Thank you!

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I also choose not to buy Floral Lace as I do not care for the brown trim.

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I love the brown trim, on most of the FL colors, and think it looks best on the blue, light blue, green, and spice. I don't care for the look of the brown trim on the red, and really don't like most of the spring FL with all the loud colors and trim.

What I don't like is when the brown trim gets really thick, like in the framed edge bakers. Then it is really just too much.

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I like the spring FL, but not the brown on all the others. She should have opted to treat the handles like she does the inside or the outside but not a totally different color. Either the lighter inside or the same as the outside on the regular colors. The spring colors with pretty contrasting colors is nice because they contrast happily with the others. The brown is just blah.

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Posts: 614
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I agree, it ruins the prettiness of the pieces. Please get rid of the ugly brown trim and just don't trim it at all. I collect the Floral Lace in cobalt blue, the light blue and the green but lately I've switched over to the old world in teal.