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Re: more awful news on my nephew

My nephew is 31 wife and 2 small children- his cancer is very rare I have read as few as 75 diagnosis in the united states per year. His mom found out she has lung cancer last March so this is definetly a double whammy for us. They think dont even know for sure I guess that this is somethiing that can be formed in the womb as cells dont develop in the brain correctly, although no symptoms till years later when vision gets blurry vomiting etc. two years ago he had brain surgery chemo and radiation but now its back

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Re: more awful news on my nephew

should have said incorectly in my previous post. Thank you for all the prayers and encouragement I am trying to stay positive and keep praying

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Re: more awful news on my nephew

brancare, well this is of course just devastating for all of those that know and love your nephew. I pray for peace and comfort to you all. I will keep you all in my prayers.
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Re: more awful news on my nephew

I am so sorry for you and your family. I will keep you all in my prayers, God bless you.

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Re: more awful news on my nephew

Brancare my prayers are being sent. May He give strength to those around you. And may He give you the strength to see your family through this.

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Re: more awful news on my nephew

Henderson I am so sorry for your loss.

Brancare ... your nephew and his family are in my prayers.

Makes all other problems seem trivial.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: more awful news on my nephew

Thank you all and Bless you

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: more awful news on my nephew

Brancare, prayers for your family and it sure looks like you are going to be the post that everyone is going to be leaning on. I hope and pray that the lord gives you the strength to be there for everyone. It is horrible when things are such that you can't do any thing to change the situation you can only sit and watch and wait to see what is going to be the next words you hear. Try and keep your self rested and know we are thinking about you.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: more awful news on my nephew

Sending more prayers

Posts: 41
Registered: ‎04-01-2010

Re: more awful news on my nephew

On 2/13/2014 brancare said:

My nephew is 31 wife and 2 small children- his cancer is very rare I have read as few as 75 diagnosis in the united states per year. His mom found out she has lung cancer last March so this is definetly a double whammy for us. They think dont even know for sure I guess that this is somethiing that can be formed in the womb as cells dont develop in the brain correctly, although no symptoms till years later when vision gets blurry vomiting etc. two years ago he had brain surgery chemo and radiation but now its back

Would your nephews cancer be Chordoma?