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Posts: 169
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

UTI--can it make you feel really sick????

Went to the doc for my annual physical, but it just so happened that I have been slowly feeling really bad for a few weeks. Tired--even if I get 10 hours of sleep. Headaches, and I have noticed that I have been waking up alot at night to go to the bathroom..and--I guess I go alot in the day too, but it's really noticeable at night because I'm falling asleep on the toilet!!! All my bloodwork is fine except I have a UTI. I never had one before--I guess I thought if I had one I'd know it cause I'd have pain and burning (I don't)..I attributed the extra ur inating from the dropped bladder I got after a hysterectomy I had years ago and my old age--lol!!! (sorry for the TMI--but I'm miserable!) Is this how a UTI makes you feel or am I just lucky enough to be sick on top of it???