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Re: Some fat free finds shared at my YMCA class

I do not limit my fat intake at all. I only eat good healthy fats. I do not eat Carbs, sugar and foods that turn to sugar. My cholestol is excellent with a high healthy fat diet/ no carbs or sugar.

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Re: Some fat free finds shared at my YMCA class

hulagirl - yes we do need a certain amount of fat - i am limiting mine to 40 gm a day.The program allows me 55gm but I have found I can easily do 40gm. The thing is in order to avoid fats you automatically have to avoid most baked goods and fried foods that can also be high in things like carbs. Fir instance i used to make perogies at least once a week becaus they are convenient but they are also very high in fat , carbs and calories. So now that i avoid the fats I am also getting the benefit of avoiding the rest. Also - many people are just on low fat diets to lower their cholesterol - and are not interested in weight loss. several folks in my class - though nice and slender have horrendous cholesterol so their doctors enrolled them into this program.
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Re: Some fat free finds shared at my YMCA class

On 2/21/2014 gazelle77 said:

I do not limit my fat intake at all. I only eat good healthy fats. I do not eat Carbs, sugar and foods that turn to sugar. My cholestol is excellent with a high healthy fat diet/ no carbs or sugar.

Right at the start of my program at the Y someone asked about good fats vs bad fats and we were told there is NO GOOD FAT. At least for the purpose of this program - limiting ALL fats is what we do.
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Re: Some fat free finds shared at my YMCA class

. Here we go again. I wonder how long this thread will last this time? Anyone want to take a guess?

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Re: Some fat free finds shared at my YMCA class

Sugar is the culprit, not fat although that is not permission to eat tons of fat. Moderation is the key.
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Re: Some fat free finds shared at my YMCA class

Why would this discussion be poofed?
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Re: Some fat free finds shared at my YMCA class

On 2/21/2014 chessylady said: Why would this discussion be poofed?

Just pay attention. People will question the OP and offer their opinions and advice. OP will start getting rude, check post#8 ...Yadda, Yadda!

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Re: Some fat free finds shared at my YMCA class

Geez, you were previously yelling at people that this is NOT a weight loss program. Anyone can lose weight eating "low fat" processed foods. Which anyone with any reasonable intelligence knows are not good at all for your overall health. You are getting older, you aren't a teenager and need to protect your health, body. Processed foods are full of added salt, sugar, chemicals. All the stuff you listed are full of added sugars, chemicals. Those who are looking to change the quality of their help prevent potential disease(s), to lose weight...its easy. We eat very limited processed foods choosing to cook, bake, make from scratch as use as many good, heart healthy fats, healthy grains, lean proteins, plant based foods. Resulting in delicious recipes...sweets, meals, all kinds of foods. The peanut butter you mentioned...full of added sugar. Make your own almond butter, walnut butter, cashew butter. Its alll incredible and are known for all their heart and health value. And the flavours are fresh, taste 1000 times better than what you get in a jar full of added crud. We use unsweetened almond milk...makes the most incredible cream soups that are like you get in an expensive restaurant. And you limit the salt but not the flavour. I can't imagine making a "low fat" muffin mix. What do you think replaces the "low fat"...chemicals. You are just looking to lose weight the bad way, not serious whatsoever about preventing a disease or looking after your health now or in future.

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Re: Some fat free finds shared at my YMCA class

hulagirl: "...the body needs a certain amt of fat" DO realize all foods have a micronutrient of fat? Even a head of iceberg lettuce is 8% fat. Source: CRON-o-meter.

Normal % of body fat is 18-25% for women. If you have a higher % of body fat, you need to reduce the fat within your diet. Good vs's all bad. Just look at the Skinny-Fat people out there...the outside "package" looks good, but the veins are so clogged & liver so fatty...that's the stuff we need to measure Health. Fat slooooows you'll never see an active person eat a meal high in fat right before he/she trains. We need glucose. Our brains need glucose. Reduce the Fat & Carb Up!!

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Re: Some fat free finds shared at my YMCA class

Well, it's happening already. The OP will start to edit her own posts when she realizes that people are making valid points, and raising important questions about her class. The usual people will come to her defense, (still a mystery). OP will start reporting the opposing posts as inappropriate, and accuse the mean girls of attacking her. Then, the whole thread will be 'poofed'. I give it 36 hours.