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Last night I had someone close a car window just as I was throwing out a piece of thread and it closed on my fingers right across three nails and now there's a dent in them.  I am worried that they'll turn black and fall off or the dents will stay there forever.  They are sore today but I don't see any bruising yet.  I've seen where people get bruises on their nails and lose them.  

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It may be awhile until you can tell if there is permanent or temporary damage.

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Many, many years ago I slammed the car door across the tips of my fingers.  Hurt like #@*!  But no damage done.

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If the nails aren't purple yet from an injury from yesterday, they won't become purple. The dent will either grow out or go away. The nails are very unlikely to "fall off". I've had that same injury. You'll find pain will decrease and there is very little consequence, certainly not long range. Unfortunate, uncomfortable, unpleasant. It will be much better in coming days. Stay positive. 

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@gizmogal wrote:

If the nails aren't purple yet from an injury from yesterday, they won't become purple. The dent will either grow out or go away. The nails are very unlikely to "fall off". I've had that same injury. You'll find pain will decrease and there is very little consequence, certainly not long range. Unfortunate, uncomfortable, unpleasant. It will be much better in coming days. Stay positive. 

Smiley Happy thanks.  It was a difficult day yesterday and all I wanted was to go for a nice ride to get an ice cream, which didn't happen.  

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If you have more reason to be concerned, see a derm doc. 

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@rms1954    I did that to a nail and it cut and required a few stitches, it's my pointer finger and it's larger than my other one due to being squished. The nail was fine due to having just had a gel manicure.

  I hit a toenail that turned black and fell off after several months. It had grown in underneath just fine. 
   Good luck with yours!

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@1Snickers wrote:

@rms1954    I did that to a nail and it cut and required a few stitches, it's my pointer finger and it's larger than my other one due to being squished. The nail was fine due to having just had a gel manicure.

  I hit a toenail that turned black and fell off after several months. It had grown in underneath just fine. 
   Good luck with yours!

Thanks.  No black so far so I guess it will be OK.  The indents are still there.  I think I yelled just in time before it closed all the way.  And I made him turn around so I could go home and ice it right away.  He was angry and kept saying "it will be fine."  He angrily slammed his brakes and did a U-turn without even looking to see if anyone was coming. The entire scenario just upset me.

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Aren't men wonderful? It would be so nice to be with someone who had some empathy, compassion and patience.


Of course you did the right thing by icing right away. I hope that the soreness goes away soon and your nails grow out normally.

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Registered: ‎06-06-2019

Re: Nail Damage

[ Edited ]

@Enufstuff wrote:


Aren't men wonderful? It would be so nice to be with someone who had some empathy, compassion and patience.


Of course you did the right thing by icing right away. I hope that the soreness goes away soon and your nails grow out normally.

Not the one I married.  I got blamed for it.  When things go wrong, it's always my fault.  He never even asked if I was OK until an hour after we got home.