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@maximillian  thanks for info but my pills are only 550mg & as @SilleeMee said, we can take up to 2600mg.


Also on front of bottle of nature made potassium vitamins it says "helps support heart function"!!!!  Does it or doesn't bit help heart?  Have no idea. Probably should check with dr. but I'm taking a low dose.

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Registered: ‎01-11-2014

😏 How about a shot of Yukon Jack? Always makes me feel better, and it might even help to prevent cramps because I never seem to get them.

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@ qvc chick -- I am sorry to hear about your pain but overcome with fear for you that you are seeking  medical advice from strangers who likely have zero medical training. All that you have written about is a symptom, not even a diagnosis. The diagnosis should be determined by your doctor who will, accordingly, prescribe appropriate treatment. Your post is one of hundreds that make me cringe at the thought that critical medical advice is being sought on a blog sponsored by a shopping channel. I often wonder how many people have put their health at huge risk from the inappropriate use of this forum - or any other source of uninformed medical "hot tips."  



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Registered: ‎08-23-2010

@Q-Checker wrote:

@ qvc chick -- I am sorry to hear about your pain but overcome with fear for you that you are seeking  medical advice from strangers who likely have zero medical training. All that you have written about is a symptom, not even a diagnosis. The diagnosis should be determined by your doctor who will, accordingly, prescribe appropriate treatment. Your post is one of hundreds that make me cringe at the thought that critical medical advice is being sought on a blog sponsored by a shopping channel. I often wonder how many people have put their health at huge risk from the inappropriate use of this forum - or any other source of uninformed medical "hot tips."  

@Q-Checker   @qvc chick 


Seriously?  I understand your point, but there's really no need to be overcome with fear.  


This is a great place to ask for FEEDBACK .... not medical advice.  


I'm sure people all over the world google symptoms every day and some probably take what they read as gospel.  However, doing research in a number of ways certainly isn't a bad thing.


Even if someone sees their doctor frequently, they aren't going to call for every little thing.  Sometimes a little thing is actually a big deal ... and sometimes it isn't.  


If anyone asking for feedback is encouraged to see their doc, they may do so.  Or not.  We can't control what anyone does.


Having said all that, I repeat that I think research is good.   Doctors aren't our only source of information.  JMO, of course.

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Posts: 6,263
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@Q-Checker wrote:

@ qvc chick -- I am sorry to hear about your pain but overcome with fear for you that you are seeking  medical advice from strangers who likely have zero medical training. All that you have written about is a symptom, not even a diagnosis. The diagnosis should be determined by your doctor who will, accordingly, prescribe appropriate treatment. Your post is one of hundreds that make me cringe at the thought that critical medical advice is being sought on a blog sponsored by a shopping channel. I often wonder how many people have put their health at huge risk from the inappropriate use of this forum - or any other source of uninformed medical "hot tips."  

@Q-Checker   @qvc chick 


Seriously?  I understand your point, but there's really no need to be overcome with fear.  


This is a great place to ask for FEEDBACK .... not medical advice.  


I'm sure people all over the world google symptoms every day and some probably take what they read as gospel.  However, doing research in a number of ways certainly isn't a bad thing.


Even if someone sees their doctor frequently, they aren't going to call for every little thing.  Sometimes a little thing is actually a big deal ... and sometimes it isn't.  


If anyone asking for feedback is encouraged to see their doc, they may do so.  Or not.  We can't control what anyone does.


Having said all that, I repeat that I think research is good.   Doctors aren't our only source of information.  JMO, of course.

Agreed.  Plus a number of posts had check with a doc.  Some had information how to relieve the pain. Zero wrong with that.


However, I do belong to a board for a syndrome my DD has and have seen many a parent write along the lines of, "my two-month old has various heart condition and is having trouble sleeping.  Can I give him melatonin?" Or "my six month-old has a 106-degree fever.  Has your baby ever had that happen?  Should I call the doc?"   Now those do make me cringe.  But not a grown-up asking advice for how to deal with their own muscle cramps.

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Bloodwork has shown my leg cramps come from not enough water, low Vit B12, low Vit D, low Magnesium, low Iron, and low sodium.  I also have to alternate the shoes I wear every day or I have cramps in my feet.   Drinking dill pickle juice has calmed my leg cramps several times.  

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Registered: ‎05-20-2023

For me, the cramps are in my feet and legs. I usually have to get up and walk them out.


I already take prescription strength magnesium and I love salt too much for that to be the cause.


I used to drink pickle juice too, but by the time I walk to the fridge, I've walked the cramp out.

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Posts: 3,470
Registered: ‎08-31-2019

I have leg cramping/pain, too. When bad, it's helped with Magnesium supplements, which also help me fall asleep. They are relatively safe to take.


But, be careful of adding Potassium supplements, if you are on certain medications that are Potassium sparing. If so, you hold onto more Potassium than you excrete and you can raise your level too high, which can be dangerous.


I'm on a Potassium sparing B/P med. The only Potassium I intake is from a daily vitamin and some food sources, but my levels remain high normal, so if I supplemented, I could go too high. 


So, I recommend you talk with your doctor about managing these cramping legs. There could be a simple solution to help you feel better to get needed rest.


Your's is not an uncommon complaint, but the causal factor can be different for some individuals. Relief is more achievable once there's a better picture of what's causing the issue. 



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@RedTop wrote:

Bloodwork has shown my leg cramps come from not enough water, low Vit B12, low Vit D, low Magnesium, low Iron, and low sodium.  I also have to alternate the shoes I wear every day or I have cramps in my feet.   Drinking dill pickle juice has calmed my leg cramps several times.  

Pickle juice has always helped me with my leg cramps. I keep a jar in my refrigerator.



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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

A month or so ago, I had some routine bloodwork done ahead of a dr. visit.  That evening about 6:30pm, my dr. called me at home & told me that my blood sodium level was alarmingly low & he wanted me to go to the ER now & get IV saline.  I told him I felt fine, but he insisted.  At the hospital, they checked my blood & put me on a saline drip & admitted me.  I was like "what the..."?  I went in on Thurs. evening & they finally got my blood sodium levels into the normal range with IV saline & salt pills & discharged me on Sat. afternoon.  The hospitalist determined one of my BP meds was acting as a diuretic & told me to stop taking it.  My dr. had me taking salt pills for a bit & switched my BP meds around & finally my blood sodium came back in the normal range so I could stop taking the salt pills.   I had been feeling fine thru all of it, but I had been having these weird little cramps in my feet at night & they stopped when my blood sodium level was normalized.


I bought some sugar free stuff you dissolve in water & drink, called LiquidIV to see if it will help keep me in the normal.  It's salty, but I'm only drinking one a week, so we'll see if it helps with my next labwork appt.