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Re: Roma 2 bag tassel shedding?

On 5/25/2014 misschristy said:

Yes, if you watched Lisa presenting, she said the tassels may shed for a few days, and not to worry.

This is an odd response from Lisa. People worrying about it is not the issue, the issue is getting stuff all over your clothes. I have never heard of that happening

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Re: Roma 2 bag tassel shedding?

I think the "not to worry" was her way of saying, "it's temporary, not a defect, don't return" lol

I understand your annoyance, though. Very similar to the annoyance of sweaters that fuzz up your pants or pants that catch every little lint piece within 10 feet.

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Re: Roma 2 bag tassel shedding?

My Michael Kohrs and my Dooneys never have ""issues"". I don't want to ""train"" a bag or have a ""shedding issue"". After hearing all the negatives I am glad I passed.

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.