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Re: Y&R Spoiler Kelly Killed Off, Noah’s New Girlfriend, Colin Exiting, Dylan & Avery...


That's how we roll in the shire..
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Re: Y&R Spoiler Kelly Killed Off, Noah’s New Girlfriend, Colin Exiting, Dylan & Avery...

Colin leaving is fine with me.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Y&R Spoiler Kelly Killed Off, Noah’s New Girlfriend, Colin Exiting, Dylan & Avery...

I can see Dylan with Sharon not as much with Avery...

What happens if Nick falls for Sage since she is married to Gabriel I wonder how many years she has been married to him and Adam was not aware of that Gabriel was married...

If Baldwin kills himself well good riddance self centered.....

Ye of little faith and sneak out instead of walking the walk!

I like Kelly but will be glad when this is over so I don't have to endure unkind designs due to prejudices

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Re: Y&R Spoiler Kelly Killed Off, Noah’s New Girlfriend, Colin Exiting, Dylan & Avery...

I would rather see Tristan Rogers as Robert Scorpio any day than his mediocre role as Colin. He's wasted on Y&R.

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Re: Y&R Spoiler Kelly Killed Off, Noah’s New Girlfriend, Colin Exiting, Dylan & Avery...

Sage didn't marry Gabriel, Gabriel was dead. She married Adam when he was first found by her. He wasn't aware of it. From what I read (haven't seen the show today yet) Adam is shocked by her news. Of course it's not legal.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Y&R Spoiler Kelly Killed Off, Noah’s New Girlfriend, Colin Exiting, Dylan & Avery...

On 1/2/2015 Mmsfoxxie said:

Sage didn't marry Gabriel, Gabriel was dead. She married Adam when he was first found by her. He wasn't aware of it. From what I read (haven't seen the show today yet) Adam is shocked by her news. Of course it's not legal.

What you say could be so, but why would the grandmother make out a will if they were not married before? and since Adam took the name Gabriel now he would have to assume the life of Gabriel, now if she did this while Adam was out of it her pattern so far is entrapment and she always has a hook. Extremely devious...

Changing Adams ID, as well as the facelift and now false marriage.

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Re: Y&R Spoiler Kelly Killed Off, Noah’s New Girlfriend, Colin Exiting, Dylan & Avery...

I was watching CSI-NY last night waaaayyyy late (re-runs of course) and New Adam was on it. I always look to see when it was made and it was 2006. I swear to you he looked as good as or maybe even better than now.

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Re: Y&R Spoiler Kelly Killed Off, Noah’s New Girlfriend, Colin Exiting, Dylan & Avery...

My spoilers for 2015 :

Dylan and Avery break-up

Jill (Jess Walton) is leaving

Summer cheats on Austin

Phyllis "accidentley" kills Kelly

Neil gets his sight back, but keeps it a secret

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Re: Y&R Spoiler Kelly Killed Off, Noah’s New Girlfriend, Colin Exiting, Dylan & Avery...

Dylan is very boring to watch. I just don't care for the actor. He has one expression and his words sound like he's reading from the teleprompter. He's cute and I used to see him on General Hospital and he was Ok, but on this especially with Avery, like the article said, it puts me to sleep!

I think really good writers pay attention to what the audience would like to see (the majority) and works around it.

One reason why they were having so much trouble with fans jumping the ship (so to speak) before, I believe is because that stupid head writer/woman killed off the girl, got rid of the good Billy and good Phyllis and wrote trash.

Now it seems someone else is turning some things around. We/the fans know what we like. It's surprising how similar fans really are in what they are thinking and what they like. The difference (in my humble opinion) is this. Most people know what they'd like to see happen (the general outline of what they like).

They just don't have the know how to put it into a story line. Hence, that's where a writer comes into play. A good writer takes everything into consideration, makes himself or herself aware of the history of the characters and goes on from there.

I've read where long-time actors sometimes puts their foot down and says, "Nick would definitely not do that". He's been very outspoken about things like this. I feel like he's protecting his character because it doesn't pay to upset fans (especially SOAP fans).