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Re: Watched ""The Theory of Everything"" ON DEMAND yesterday

On 3/12/2015 Anglophilly said:

Stephen Hawking left the marriage for his nurse. Apparently Jane's relationship with another man was accepted as long as Jane continued to love Stephen.

There was a rift in the family with the marriage to Dixon. Complaints of possible abuse were made and there was a quiet divorce.

At this point Stephen and Jane, and their children and grandchildren, have a close and happy relationship.

I read that on Wikipedia. It made me sad. I hate to think of the possible abuse. I just downloaded the movie and wanted to read a little bit about Stephen Hawking before I watched it.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Registered: ‎07-24-2012

Re: Watched ""The Theory of Everything"" ON DEMAND yesterday

I enjoyed this movie very much. Redmayne certainly deserved the Oscar he won. He was outstanding.