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UTube Peopel Chosen for Amazing Race!

So, what does that mean?  Does that mean that TV viewers are constantly going to have to watch these teams post and whatever they do to inform "their fans" (who aren't watching them on TV) what is going on?


I don't understand?

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: UTube Peopel Chosen for Amazing Race!

@Annabellethecat66, where did your article in the OP go and where did mine go?  And why?  I thought the only links you couldn't post are to retail sites.  Color me confused.


Anyway, folks, go to realityblurred dot com and read the article on the start of TAR.


Annabelle, I think you've nailed it.  Remember last season they had to take selfies?  This whole next season will be one big selfie, tweet, instagram, whatever.  And the cast wil be INSUFFERABLE considering they already were at the start of the race.