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Re: Today, GMA or CBS This Morning?

I watch the Today show.  I always check the Tivo guide to see who GMA is having on, though, and will switch over to it if I'm interested.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Today, GMA or CBS This Morning?

I am addicted to Morning Joe. Don't care for Lara, Lauer, or Gayle.


Must say I did tune into Fox and Friends for a few this morning , and though I have never been a fan of EH,   I was quite proud of her this morning!  Gotta leave it at that . Woman Wink

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Re: Today, GMA or CBS This Morning?

Morning Joe for me!

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Re: Today, GMA or CBS This Morning?

None of the above.

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Re: Today, GMA or CBS This Morning?

Today was Justin Beiber, ABC was One Direction, CBS was full of commercials. I turned off the TV. Before I retired I was so excited to drink my AM coffee, read the paper and watch some AM TV. Today we have no paper, the AM TV shows sock and I am left with my coffee and some days an early call from my DD in NOLA. This is not what I Envisioned.Woman Sad

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Re: Today, GMA or CBS This Morning?

I became thoroughly disgusted with Today and GMA and their emphasis on constant chat about show biz personalities and the hideous musicians they present.  To me, these show biz people are the most boring in the world.  I've gone over to Charlie Rose when I watch a morning show, which is occasionally since I'm usually asleep.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Today, GMA or CBS This Morning?

I never watch network tv, haven't for over 12 yrs.  only watch FOX cable news.  I like to know what is really going on. 

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Re: Today, GMA or CBS This Morning?

@RetRN wrote:

I would watch CBS if they would get rid of Gayle KIng. Lara is awful on ABC and Matt  is obnoxious on NBC.

Therfore, I watch FNC and enjoy Elisabeth, Steve, and Brian. They do real news story affecting our nation in a fact based way. They also know how to interject some fun stuff.


totally Agree!

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Re: Today, GMA or CBS This Morning?

Me too most of the time Kitty.  My guess is there are a lot of people who check into them every now and then.

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Re: Today, GMA or CBS This Morning?

I turn on my local news when I get up.  Then I switch over to CBS because I actually want some news.  Used to watch GMA but now it is about Lara.  I just have it on as I make coffee, get dressed, etc.