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Re: Thinking of old t.v. shows

I remember shows that had been on the radio moving to television:

Arthur Godfrey & Jack Benny

Young Dr. Malone and other soaps. They were 15 minutes crammed with drama.

Queen For A Day (best sob story won) and Art Linkletter's Kids Say the Darndest Things.

Sgt. Preston of the Yukon and Sky King (these were better on the radio)

Puppets were very big on early tv: Kukla, Fran & Ollie, Bertie the Bunyip and a local show, "Willie the Worm" (showed those Farmer Alfalfa cartoons involving thousands of mice)

We were allowed to stay up for "Your Show of Shows" and a must-see weekly was Bishop Sheen.

Wish I could remember today's lunch............

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Re: Thinking of old t.v. shows

I remember Authur Godfrey and The Jack Benny show. How about What's my line? I remember Kukla, Fran & Ollie, How about Captain Kangaroo with Mr. Green Jeans?

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Re: Thinking of old t.v. shows

My late husband would lay in bed (he was in college and working part-time) when my oldest daughter was born and watch The banana show and I'd say he was wharping my baby's head. Ha! Now look at some of what they watch.

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Re: Thinking of old t.v. shows

There was a show on for a year or two that I loved called, 'Homefront'. Families during WWll. They say it got too costly to make and was cancelled.

Loved, 'ItTakes a Thielf' with Robert Wagner. 'Magnum'. 'Dragnet'. Someone mentioned Bishop Sheen. The family watched this-my dad so enjoyed him and I used to think, now maybe he'll become a Catholic. I was sure of it. hahaha We were, but he didn't convert.

I remember waiting all week because Johnny Mathis was going to be on Ed Sullivan. Nobody had ever seen him, but we all loved his song, 'It's Not for Me to Say' and we couldn't wait. We were so surprised to see he was a black singer because he didn't sound like he was. Funny. It didn't matter of course, just a surprise. Elvis, the Beatles, we watched and drooled. Senor Wences with the puppet drawn on his hand, Alan King who gave us such belly laughs. I think we watched a show called 'The Web' right after.

Loved 'Casey, Crime Photographer.' Darren McGavin.

'Search for Tomorrow.' I guess it was the first soap to come to tv. 15 minutes. Everyone loved the actress who played the lead. I didn't see the attraction, hahaha.

Then much later the 'Carol Burnett Show.' OMgosh were those good days or what?

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Re: Thinking of old t.v. shows

One of my favorite shows as a child was the Pinky Lee show (in the 1950's). Also liked Howdy Doody, Captain Kangaroo, and Roy Rogers. Saturday mornings had Andy's Gang, Sky King and Fury. I remember My Little Margie, I Married Joan, Ann Sothern Show, Love that Bob, the Hit Parade, Ed Sullivan, Hollywood Palace, Perry Como - so many great old shows. My mother watched Bishop Sheen and my dad watched all the westerns - Gunsmoke, Rawhide, Bonanza. Nice memories.

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Re: Thinking of old t.v. shows

I have childhood memories of my parents sitting in the living room watching westerns on the old black-and-white tv: Maverick, Gunsmoke, Bonanza. My mother thought James Garner (Maverick) was so handsome! They seem so hokey now.
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Re: Thinking of old t.v. shows

Saved by the Bell was awesome! So were the TGIF shows like Full House, Family Matters

and I also loved Friends

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Re: Thinking of old t.v. shows

twinsister. All of the shows you listed, I used to watch. My late husband and I would just start singing together, "It's me, it's me, my name is Pinky Lee". Did you know he had a heart attack on the air? I don't think he died just remember that he had a heart attack.

I think it's fun to look at the different shows each of us list. You can ALMOST tell (in general) around how old everyone is because some of us (I'm almost 70) go WAY back and some don't go quite that far back.

It's fun to do this because (old or recent) TV is something we all obviously like and enjoy.

I think the thing I enjoy most about this TV thread is that I've finally found a place where I don't have to get teased because I watch TV.

I can come on here and get information I wouldn't otherwise have (thanks, Hooty, Java, sooner, etc).

I also get explanations for all of you that I'm soooo grateful for (we all know how I tend to mix stuff up).

Anyway, this seemed like a good time to tell all of you how much I enjoy being here. I also like the way we all agree to disagree. That's what makes this thing work so well, I think.

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Re: Thinking of old t.v. shows

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Re: Thinking of old t.v. shows

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~