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THE GOOD WIFE possible spoiler

Is it just me, or did anyone else think the format of the Good Wife was strange/different?
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Re: THE GOOD WIFE possible spoiler

dobie.... my husband shook his head and said this was so strange.... I laughed and said it was in her mind.... I don't know if I liked it or not.... what did you think?

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Re: THE GOOD WIFE possible spoiler

I felt like a tennis ball being bounced around on the court! About the only way I kept up with it was due to the change in her voice. I am easily confused so I would prefer my tv viewing pretty straightforward!
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Re: THE GOOD WIFE possible spoiler

I cancelled my season pass after last weeks episode. The storylines have gotten really repetitive and this whole season I've found myself fast forwarding a lot so I finally cut my losses. It's too bad this used to be my favorite show and I'd been watching since the pilot.

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Re: THE GOOD WIFE possible spoiler

I really thought last night was good too me it was about soul searching, and I guess others who of a another wave, might call it Reflection of where their life is going and is it worth it?

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Re: THE GOOD WIFE possible spoiler

I didn't like it at all. I thought it dragged on and on and on. I really love this show but was disappointed in last night's episode.

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Re: THE GOOD WIFE possible spoiler

Count me in as one who did not care for it last night. Time to get back into the courtroom.

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Re: THE GOOD WIFE possible spoiler

I didn't care for the episode either. There was really not much substance to the entire hour. There are some story lines to wrap up before the season finale -- Kalinda's departure ( I read she will leave, not be 'killed off', Louis Canning's fate, the election, Grace's spirituality.

I read some review from critics who loved the episode. They are probably the same ones who praised Birdman.

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Re: THE GOOD WIFE possible spoiler

I think Kalinda might end up going to jail for what she did to free Cary. That's what I thought would happen when I read that she was leaving.

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Re: THE GOOD WIFE possible spoiler

I didn't like the episode either. I thought it was a wasted throw away episode, didn't move the story line along. The actress that plays Kalinda I believe is getting a new show so this is it for her. I think either she'll go to jail or be killed off.