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Sunday 9/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

And there is no joy in BB world. Mighty Nicole has struck out. Pity! I woke up at 1:30 this morning and pulled out my tablet to see if there was a result yet and the feeds had just come back with Jackson and Holly celebrating and Nicole in the RV room crying.


Holly was very happy there was a rock-climbing comp as she'd wanted one all season. Holly also thought the question about the date of the clowns showing up was unfair as Nicole would know that more than her. (Nicole was off by a day on that question apparently and thought she had it right, then changed one she had right, before figuring out the mistake and fixing it.) Both got done in a relatively short period of time. I think Holly's time was ten minutes puas and Nicole's was twelve minutes, but Nicole needed to be perfect to win and she wasn't.


Jackson continues to butter up Nicole for her jury vote (among other things, promising to buy her an iPhone) while he and Holly assure one another they're taking each other to the end. Holly says she knows she'll lose to Jackson, but she'd rather lose to him than anyone else. (Hey, it's only $450,000 she's giving up to an immature jerk who's dumped her multiple times while in the house because she didn't do exactly what he wanted.) We'll have to see if losing $450,000 changes her mind on that over the next few days.


So, it looks like we have four more days of boredom, then a final two of Holly and Jackson battling it out for part three. Then they'll likely evict Nicole and celebrate their success. Holly will probably walk away with the $50,000, while Jackson gets the $500,000. Oh well, on to BB 22 or a BBOTT if they have another one this winter. 


And we have a show tonight. On tonight's show we'll see the first part of the HOH comp with the jumping and swinging. Julie will talk with last year's final three as they discuss this year's final three. And they may give us a sneak peek at the jury roundtable, but they'll probably save most of that for Wednesday's show.

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Re: Sunday 9/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I feel strongly that there are at least 3 jury members who will NOT give their vote to Jackson to win ---  Tommy, Cliff and Nicole.  And I am wondering if Cliff has had a chance to sway anyone.  

I wouldn't doubt that Jackson talks Holly into giving him the big money if she is declared the winner. He thinks that money is HIS, and by golly, no one better stand in his way!!   Grrrrr

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Re: Sunday 9/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@123SuzyQ123 wrote:

I feel strongly that there are at least 3 jury members who will NOT give their vote to Jackson to win ---  Tommy, Cliff and Nicole.  And I am wondering if Cliff has had a chance to sway anyone.  

I wouldn't doubt that Jackson talks Holly into giving him the big money if she is declared the winner. He thinks that money is HIS, and by golly, no one better stand in his way!!   Grrrrr

From what I have seen of Nicole she has a little crush on Jackson. She even invited him back to her home after the show. One night all 3 of them were in bed together and Jackson had his arm around Nicole. I was a bit surprised by it but I am not so sure that Nicole will ever vote for Holly.

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Re: Sunday 9/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Gardenman ...  Why does production do things so late on BB ...  Numerous times it's midnight they are called in to do DR room duties and that's California time ??

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Re: Sunday 9/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@Trinity11 ,   I think Jackson is just buttering Nicole up so that he gets her vote.  He has a way with women that is attractive to them, and the hugging, the "I love yous"  and all the attention he pays to Nicole is to get her vote.  Sadly she is falling for it.  But I do feel there are 3 or 4 people in the jury who will not vote for Jackson.  Just my humble opinion!!

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Re: Sunday 9/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Early in the season Christie, Analyse and Holly were a solid trio. If Holly can get votes from Kat, Christie, Analyse, and Tommy she'd be on her way to a win. Would Analyse vote how Jack votes, or vice versa? Would Cliff and Nicole vote for Holly? It's hard to know what a jury is thinking. BB is a social game and Jackson's social game wasn't the best. Holly's social game was better. Jess would vote for any girl over Jackson. Knowing Jess she might vote for Julie.


Nicole's social game was top notch and production has apparently hinted that Nicole is loved. If she makes the final two she might get the win if the jury wants to be loved. We'll all be guessing until Wednesday when we'll learn the outcome.

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Re: Sunday 9/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Nicole has herself to blame. She allowed Cliff to talk her into keeping Holly. With Holly gone, she had a better chance of making finel two. Even if Jackson had the choice  of who to take between Nicole, Tommy, or the unlikely Cliff, he would probably have chosen her.

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Re: Sunday 9/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I don’t get Nicole.  She talks bad about Jackson behind his back and kisses up to him when she’s not.  Jackson is so phony.  He is even stringing Holly along.  Didn’t he say to Holly that he was thinking of taking Nicole to the end and Holly said, “well that leaves me SOL”?  I wouldn’t trust Jackson as far as I can throw him.  Holly needs to take Nicole to the end if Holly wins Part 3 and not Jackson.  Jackson can’t be trusted.

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Re: Sunday 9/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@Pantsonfire2 wrote:

Gardenman ...  Why does production do things so late on BB ...  Numerous times it's midnight they are called in to do DR room duties and that's California time ??

God only knows. Sometimes there's other stuff going on in surrounding studios that could interfere with BB or BB could interfere with, and sometimes they seem to just do what they want.

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Re: Sunday 9/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@occasionalrain wrote:

Nicole has herself to blame. She allowed Cliff to talk her into keeping Holly. With Holly gone, she had a better chance of making finel two. Even if Jackson had the choice  of who to take between Nicole, Tommy, or the unlikely Cliff, he would probably have chosen her.

Cliff was probably keeping Holly no matter what, so Jackson would have been the tie-breaker and kept Holly. Cliff would have said, "I gave them my word and I couldn't break my word." Nicole would have been isolated then and likely gone instead of Cliff. 

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