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I only see 4 listed around noon time. Is this all the soap operas that are left now? I haven't watched these since the late 80's. so I'm out of touch. I mean it use to be Luke and Laura and General Hospital. There was one Marlena (?) she had a twin sister. The good and the bad. Use to watch Young and the Restless. Back when there was a Kip on the show. Am I ever dating me. I remember the 15 min. ones when I was younger, my mom watched those while she ironed. Anyway...Oh and Rachel!! LOL

What's the best one to watch now, if you do?

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When I am home, I watch Y&R and B&B. I will always miss As the World Turns and Guiding Light!!!!!

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Yes, can ya believe it?, there's only four left.

ABC has General Hospital (Luke but not Laura).

NBC has Days of Our Lives (Marlena, and her twin hasn't been on in ages)

CBS has Y&R and B&B.

After watching DAYS for fifteen years I recently gave it up. It's just stupid and I don't like the cast and it's not really about the Hortons and Bradys anymore and it's produced on the cheap and looks it.

I watched GH for awhile starting with their 50th anniversary but then was bored.

I started watching Y&R in early November when one of my favorite actors, who started on Passions and then was on Smallville and Revenge and Mistresses, which he's still on) joined the cast. I LOVE IT.

But everyone on this forum has their own soap(s) they love and that's why soap audiences are some of the most loyal viewers on TV. Everyone will tell you their fave is the best because after all, it's their fave {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

(p.s. Hi, Colliemom!)

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Hi, Smiley Happy

I've watched Days since the summer of 1973.

I watched GH in the Luke and Laura days. I started to watch again, May of 2013, when actress, Maura West, joined the show.

I dvr both soaps. If I can watch, I do. When I don't watch, I read a daily summary to keep up.

You can take the girl out of Jersey, but you can't take Jersey out of the girl. Jersey Girl living in CNY.
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Yes, soap operas are probably too costly and the networks make more money on talk shows and syndicated shows.

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When All My Children went off the air, I started watching Days on NBC. I frankly enjoy soap operas - I'm sick of all the self help shows on the air now during the day.

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Remember all of those stupid Dr. shows came on and wiped out As The World Turns and Guiding Light on CBS. I remember like it was yesterday! Now they're gone at that time of day and other stupid shows are on.

Makes me sick. Some of those night time shows are very similar to Soaps in their nature, but heaven forbid should they be called a soap.

Most of the famous actors (the one's that get all of the credit on TV and in the movies could never make it in the soaps because everyone who's every worked on a soap said the pace is unbelievable. There's seldom even 2 takes much less 3 or 4 (like all of those night time shows). I've watched late night TV and have seen some of these 'stars' talk about how difficult it was to get this take or that take. Humph!! Double Humph!! Ha!

Can you imagine? I'm sorry, it just bothers me the way they have 'Daytime Emmys' and we're lucky if we even get to see them. Eliminate some of those stupid talk shows and bring back some of our good soaps.

OK, I'll go sit down!

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Thanks for bringing me up to date. I put one on the other day, but didn't make it for more than 5 min's. Too much has changed I guess and my interests have changed. Short attention span it feels like sometimes too.

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I remember Penny and Jeff from As the World Turns, Mac and Rachel from Another World, Nina and Cliff from All My Children, and I used to love Love is a Many Splendored Thing with Donna Mills and David Birney. I've been watching Days now for ages and lori is right, it's pretty bad. But like gum on a shoe, I'm sticking with it. It ain't much, but it's all I've got.

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Registered: ‎06-19-2010
I agree with you that say things aren't as good as they used to be. Qualitygal, my attention span is short when watching them as well. I used to sit and watch and be angry when I couldnt. Now, it doesn't matter much....especially with Y&R.
“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)