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Re: Saturday 7/22/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Thank you S, 


Everyday, strangers do small kindnesses for me. They open doors, allow me to make that left turn at traffic lights. One man went out of his way to tell me my brake lights weren't working. 


I prefer these small things to flattery which, I believe, has been learned from some book or class in how to be a good salesman, get ahead, influence others... 

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Re: Saturday 7/22/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@truffle wrote:

@lovescats wrote:

when they voted last night for the houseguest to play against the battle back winner didn't they all choose paul? 


he couldn't win the hoh without rameses throwing the comp


why wouldn't  they have the votes to get him out

What?  Ramses didn't throw the comp! That's why Paul and others are irked and don't trust him. Ramses is just another little mama's boy...told them that he told his mama he would never throw a comp. Hand me a barf bag somebody! 

@truffle wrote:

@lovescats wrote:

when they voted last night for the houseguest to play against the battle back winner didn't they all choose paul? 


he couldn't win the hoh without rameses throwing the comp


why wouldn't  they have the votes to get him out

What?  Ramses didn't throw the comp! That's why Paul and others are irked and don't trust him. Ramses is just another little mama's boy...told them that he told his mama he would never throw a comp. Hand me a barf bag somebody! 

@truffle wrote:

@lovescats wrote:

when they voted last night for the houseguest to play against the battle back winner didn't they all choose paul? 


he couldn't win the hoh without rameses throwing the comp


why wouldn't  they have the votes to get him out

What?  Ramses didn't throw the comp! That's why Paul and others are irked and don't trust him. Ramses is just another little mama's boy...told them that he told his mama he would never throw a comp. Hand me a barf bag somebody! 

I wouldn't throw a comp EVER if I was on the block. I don't blame him at all.

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Re: Saturday 7/22/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@sabatini wrote:

Sorry, @occasionalrain. I'd started my post awhile ago, but then went outside to spray for spiders!, came back in & sent it, so I hadn't seen your next post.



No need to apologize, despise was a poor choice. I'm guilty of using words I like, sometimes when others would be better. I like despise, the way it sounds. I like evasion as in tax evasion but seldom find a way to use it.

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Re: Saturday 7/22/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@occasionalrain wrote:

@sabatini wrote:

Sorry, @occasionalrain. I'd started my post awhile ago, but then went outside to spray for spiders!, came back in & sent it, so I hadn't seen your next post.



No need to apologize, despise was a poor choice. I'm guilty of using words I like, sometimes when others would be better. I like despise, the way it sounds. I like evasion as in tax evasion but seldom find a way to use it.

LOL! Good one!

Where my kids are concerned, I've sometimes had to be evasive

My mom used to say 'There are things a mother could say but never can, but they'd be too devastating to hear.'


BTW, O.R., I've felt a kinship towards you ever since you replied to a post of mine a trillion years ago.

The discussion was about gifts, & I'd said that I sometimes get fixated on finding the perfect something, so set out on A Quest to find it.

Like, if it's an old book, it has to be of a certain edition, illustrated by one particular artist, etc., & when I find it, the satisfaction is enormous! LOL!

You'd said you were the same way.


Back to BB!


Mark's mouth is naturally turned up on the sides; an almost perpetual smile - until he cries. He's a great big softie!


Muddling through...
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Re: Saturday 7/22/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

[ Edited ]

Speaking of words, one of my faves is "perfidious", or "perfidy":

(false-hearted, deliberate betrayal, gaining trust through deceit)


Pretty perfect word for BB!  Smiley LOL


I also love "cacophony"!  (a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds)

I once had a stained glass teacher who'd gone to an exclusive boarding school for boys.

He told me that they'd all been playing a loud game out on the lawn, & the English prof (a spectacled, distinguished old guy w/ suede patches on the elbows of his worn tweed jacket)...came out onto the balcony & bellowed "Cease this cacophony!"


Words.  Heart

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Re: Saturday 7/22/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

[ Edited ]

OT again & sorry! Last post about words, I promise.

'Plethora' (an excessive amount of something) is another fave, because...


Back east, (MA) liquor/beer/wine isn't carried in grocery stores, so you have to make a trip to the liquor store.


So, late one night after work, I flew in to the liquor store to grab a bottle of wine before they closed.

Right then, a guy walked in & asked the lone employee if they had any Hustler magazines.

The clerk matter-of-factly replied "I'm sorry, we don't carry magazines, but there's a plethora of pornography down the street at 7-Eleven."



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Re: Saturday 7/22/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Can someone please tell me why Elena can't keep her hands off of Paul?  She carrying on a everyday conversation with him while rubbing her hand up and down his arm.  At first I thought she was trying to play games with Mark to make him jealous but now I think she's the kind of girl who gets a thrill from the chase and throws men back once she snags them.  Any thoughts?

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Re: Saturday 7/22/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@GRANNY77 I noticed that too!  Late last night she was really rubbing his arms, his hair (just like every other time I see her).


They were all laying on something together and she often snuggles next to him.  Maybe she likes him.....


Late last night they were talking about the kind of girl that attracts them.  It was really funny.  Paul said he likes girly girls.  Girls with light eyes ("because I have dark eyes, maybe") that's what he said.  But what was funny he said he likes girls who wear 'sun dresses'.  That was funny.  He doesn't like tattoo's on girls (he said, "maybe because I have so many").


When Cody started to say what he liked, they cut away to the commercial.  Go figure.  He just isn't that well liked.  I think he has the personality of a wet noodle.


Oh!  Where is Victor?  He'd liven up this group!


If you look at Mark's arms they are so large.  My late husband at one time had arms big like that and he'd get what he'd call "muscle bound".  They get even bigger and can't even bend the arm.  It was nice getting hugs but I didn't like the way it looked, unnatural looking.


I think if Kevin (who I don't care for but is OK) wasn't on this show, it would be unbearably boring.  Paul does what he can but he's obsessed with winning and that makes him a bit boring.


The thing I see about Paul is that he's been able to parlay Big Brother into something more.  He's been able to expand on his clothing line and get paid making personal appearances.  My guess is he wants to stay as long as he can because he sees it as a way of promoting himself and his clothing line.


I think it's easy to see something when one is observing from a distance but not so much when participating.  Besides this group doesn't communicate very well so they don't get together and really talk about who should do what.  They let Paul lead them because it's easier for them (my total opinion).

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Re: Saturday 7/22/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@Danky wrote:

Brief Commentary On Julie's Fashions


Thursday of last week----- Absolute summer perfection


Thursday of this week-----Out doing errands and stopped by the BB house before picking up the dry cleaning 


Friday of this week----Christmas in July


Present for you Danky.........................




1%23hoot.gif              Keep up the good work  !

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Re: Saturday 7/22/2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Raven finally got her stitches out. It sounds like Jason and Christmas were picked to play in the POV, but I'm not sure who the third one is. The POV comp will be coming up later.


We could see Paul get backdoored if things work out right.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!