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Re: General Hospital ~ December Thread

On 12/10/2014 RainCityGirl said:
On 12/9/2014 dmod nj said:
On 12/9/2014 RainCityGirl said:

Oh my, I really think it is time, after watching GH since I was a young girl, that I put an end to my addiction. This show is making my head spin and is a waste of my time. Will I ever break away????

DianaFran, you would miss watching, I know you would. lol

Oh, I know. I talk big, but I am weak. I have no resolve when it comes to the Soaps no matter how ridiculous they are.

I hear ya. I've been watching Days of Our Lives since 1973.

You can take the girl out of Jersey, but you can't take Jersey out of the girl. Jersey Girl living in CNY.
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Re: General Hospital ~ December Thread

On 12/11/2014 Laura14 said:

One more thing: that girl recognized Franco (mass murderer on the run and all over the news) and decides to go back just to say hey I recognize you? She has obviously never watched a horror film in her life.

I would have ran right to the police if I were her. Great idea to tell someone on the run you know who they are.

Maybe she would want to hide behind the chainsaws like in that Geico commercial too, LOL.

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Re: General Hospital ~ December Thread

On 12/11/2014 BeckiWV said:
On 12/11/2014 Laura14 said:

One more thing: that girl recognized Franco (mass murderer on the run and all over the news) and decides to go back just to say hey I recognize you? She has obviously never watched a horror film in her life.

I would have ran right to the police if I were her. Great idea to tell someone on the run you know who they are.

Maybe she would want to hide behind the chainsaws like in that Geico commercial too, LOL.

She was probably the extra in that ad. After she wandered over to the GH set, they said why not and gave her a few lines. And did I call it or what? Franco decides to off her to keep her quiet. Good thing Dante has jurisdiction in another country and is apparently using the Star Trek transporter to get himself there just in time to rescue the bionic baby.

Thank goodness for the Ryan's bar scenes (so cool!) and I'm glad Sam figured it out like that who held her at gunpoint. I was afraid we were going to have to drag that out for months too.

But boo on Helena and Luke! I miss the snarky dialogue back and forth between them. I appreciate Liz and Spencer but no one insults Helena better than Luke. At this point it better be Stefan under that mask. I can't think of anything better than that to have redeemed an entire year of my life on this plot.

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Re: General Hospital ~ December Thread

So the preview shows Freako leaving with a bundle of pink. No way is that the baby!!!! Freako is the decoy for Nina to slip out with the baby. I just wish they would end these ridiculous stories!!!!!! Luke/Fluke......who cares! Sam, wake up. Jake.....same build and tone plus, you saw his eyes. Put Ava in jail and return the baby to Morgan. Sonny' s hair is jet black, his beard, not so much. Why can't these people pay attention to details and Stop insulting the viewers??????
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Re: General Hospital ~ December Thread

Iam sick of Helena,Luke [what is his attraction?] they are so old,[so am I] but Iam not on a soap. They need some moisturizer from the Q, lets send them some,ha,ha.Yes and Sunnies beard is grey bet his hair is to.

I think it is disgusting how Nicklas goes to see Liz the same day Britt leaves .Please give it a rest,does he think she will just fall into his arms that easy?Well she probably will if she doesn't get Jason first.I haven't watched todays show yet, so anxious to see if that is a baby .Tucka.

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Re: General Hospital ~ December Thread

Finally, somewhat of a resolving of situations today. Ava to jail, Franco to jail, Nina the looney bin? Morgan gets the adorable baby??? I can't believe Ava actually thought she would get away with murder and be able to raise the baby with no repercussions.

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Re: General Hospital ~ December Thread

On 12/11/2014 BeckiWV said:
On 12/11/2014 Laura14 said:

I couldn't help thinking during all the scenes with Sonny and Carly yesterday in jail that he still has his hair gel. Even after being roughed up, he may be bruised and beaten, but his hair is still perfectly slicked back. Now that's a character for you.

Even his hair knows who is boss!

Yes, but you know now that he colors his hair black ! Look at how white his beard is all over. And a beard keeps the true color much longer than hair. By the time a beard goes white, the entire head has already done so !

Oops, Sonny, you forgot your beard color !!!

P.S. I'M soooooooooooooooo happy Britt is leaving...can she take her "Mutta" with her please ????????

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Re: General Hospital ~ December Thread

Why would Sam tell Elizabeth what she suspects about Jake? That exchange went exactly as I would have expected. I hope Elizabeth doesn't tell Jake. Everyone keeps wondering why Sam hasn't recognized Jake but Elizabeth is the one who seems to spend almost every waking moment with him. Even Carly should have had some kind of moment when she saw the way Jake attacked Carlos.

The look on Ava's face when Dante said she was being arrested for the murder of Connie Falconari was priceless. I guess she thought that since she is a new mom that would recuse her from being arrested and serving time.

The preview with both Ava and Nina behind bars and asking about "my baby" was funny. The two of them in jail together should provide some funny scenes.

"And suddenly you just know it's time to start something new
And trust the magic of Beginnings..."
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Re: General Hospital ~ December Thread

On 12/13/2014 Mrs Grace said:
On 12/11/2014 BeckiWV said:
On 12/11/2014 Laura14 said:

I couldn't help thinking during all the scenes with Sonny and Carly yesterday in jail that he still has his hair gel. Even after being roughed up, he may be bruised and beaten, but his hair is still perfectly slicked back. Now that's a character for you.

Even his hair knows who is boss!

Yes, but you know now that he colors his hair black ! Look at how white his beard is all over. And a beard keeps the true color much longer than hair. By the time a beard goes white, the entire head has already done so !

Oops, Sonny, you forgot your beard color !!!

P.S. I'M soooooooooooooooo happy Britt is leaving...can she take her "Mutta" with her please ????????

No!!! I like "Mutta". When she did her heatmiser act at the Nurse's Ball, I was in love. I love her character as ridiculous as she is. But totally with you on her daughter. No time for Britt. Never liked her from the beginning. Instead I nominate Dante. As nice as he is to look at, I never saw a US police officer read someone their US constitutional rights while making an arrest in Canada. And the Mounties just stood there too. I guess that whole extradition thing when you are waaay out of your jurisdiction doesn't exist on GH.
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Re: General Hospital ~ December Thread

I thought I read somewhere that the actress that plays Olivia is pregnant in real life. If so I wonder how they will work that into the story lines and who the father will be?