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I always enjoy seeing actors/actresses who are in tv shows together, star in movies together as well. Just saw a promo for Cinderella and I already knew Cinderella was played by Lady Rose of Downton, but was surprised when one the stepsisters was Daisy! Also, the follow-up movie to the Grand Budapest Hostel has Maggie Smith in it again but now also has the actress who plays on Downton (forget her name, but she is the mother of Matthew and is about the same age as Maggie Smith).

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That would be Penelope Wilton.....

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I knew "Rose" was in it but not "Daisy". BTW, Penelope Wilton is much younger than Maggie Smith. How fun for all these ladies to be together in other shows!
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I think perhaps you mean The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel and The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. Maggie Smith and Penelope Wilton are in both as well as the incomparable Judi Dench.

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Yes, the girl and guy who played the leads in Cinderella were interviewed on XM radio the other day. She mentioned how much fun it was to be in it with 'Daisy'. She said they both thought it was funny that their roles and clothing were somewhat reversed.

She said that on Downton she wore beautiful clothes and lived 'upstairs' and had lots of clothes and she said 'Daisy' lived 'downstairs' and had to wear the same uniform every single day (and every show).

They (the two leads, forget their names) are going to be in a play in England in 2016 directed by Kenneth Branagh (who also directs Cinderella).

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On 3/11/2015 Marsha2003 said:

I think perhaps you mean The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel and The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. Maggie Smith and Penelope Wilton are in both as well as the incomparable Judi Dench.

You are right! I forgot that Penelope Wilton was in the first movie as well. Such a great move. I hope the Second one is just as good.

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The Post gave the movie a poor review, espeically Lilly James who plays Cinderella. The previews looked so good too. I saw Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella on Broadway and it was wonderful. It's going on tour throughout the country and if it comes to your town, take your children.