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Days NO Spoilers, please...week of 03/02/2015

Don't do it, JJ!!! Don't do it. Oh, who am I talking to anyway...a hormonal teen...of course he will do it.

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

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Re: Days NO Spoilers, please...week of 03/02/2015

This should be a funny week
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Re: Days NO Spoilers, please...week of 03/02/2015

Funny or fun? I hate to break my record of number of DAYS not recorded, but I may have to put that recorder on all week. Just till it's over. Just till those two are busted. And if that isn't enough to send Paige packing, what is? And what in the world would keep EVE-il here after that. She has no life in Salem, no friends,no job, lots of enemies. Why did she come back and why wouldn't she leave. YES!

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Re: Days NO Spoilers, please...week of 03/02/2015

Boy, I was so glad that Jennifer saw what she saw. I only hope that she tells Paige about it so Eve can leave Salem with her daughter, but probably not together. How is JJ going to explain this? LOL And boy, he has got to feel weird around his mother. Typical male!!

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Re: Days NO Spoilers, please...week of 03/02/2015

He probably feels the worst because his mom saw his bare bum, hahaha. Probably been a while.

snow, knowing the way this soap goes, I'll bet Jen doesn't say anything. First, she isn't the type, and second, DAYS loves people on their show who keep secrets and give covert glances till the end of time.

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Re: Days NO Spoilers, please...week of 03/02/2015

Yeah right Jud. And she will stand there with her mouth open like she is going to shout it out, and we all know she won't. I hate when they do that!

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Re: Days NO Spoilers, please...week of 03/02/2015

Paul's mom is so rude to Marlena every time they meet. So, let's just say John is Paul's father. Who would that make Paul related to? Just don't tell me that Will would then be his brother or some other gross thing.

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Re: Days NO Spoilers, please...week of 03/02/2015

On 3/2/2015 AuntG said:

Paul's mom is so rude to Marlena every time they meet. So, let's just say John is Paul's father. Who would that make Paul related to? Just don't tell me that Will would then be his brother or some other gross thing.

It would make him a half bro to Brady, that is about all I can think of as far as blood relatives.

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Re: Days NO Spoilers, please...week of 03/02/2015

Impossible to be related to will. Maybe she is on the run. Maybe in johns earlier career he tried to track her down. But my guess is Paul is his son.
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Re: Days NO Spoilers, please...week of 03/02/2015

watching an old 2010 Castle....guess who's on? Will Horton...(Guy Wilson) his hair was a little longer and curly....but still looks like a 12 year Will is trying to say it was Sonny's fault for NOT telling him about Paul....still can't stand Will....

When is Sonny going to learn that Paul is the person who gave blood to save his life? His mother knows and I wish she would tell him... you know when Adrienne finds out that Will cheater on her son she will have a fight with Lucas, that we divide them for sure... Lucas will have to stand up for Will and Adrienne will hate Will.....

Oh Jennifer, I hope this is enough to have you faint, she came in the room yelling " Roxanne" and they never heard her? Really....stupid story and now I hope JJ, Paige and Eve leave town for good...forever and ever!!!

John may be Paul's father? don't see it, no look alike at all.....