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Whenever I open a page on QVC the QVC App wants you to download and it is annoying. I just want to check items or read on the forums. Also popping up I asking you to get a QCard is too much. 
It is distracting. Otherwise I enjoy your site.

Please forward to the appropriate Dept.


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I only get the CC one and only once.  I dont get a popup at all.  I have ad blocker.  Maybe you should try it.  Good luck.

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Me too, I use AdBlocker Plus, it's free to download.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
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I used to have AVG free. Dell suggested I let them remove AVG when I was talking to them about another issue.  They said Microsoft Whatever was sufficient.  Well, it isn't.  I have QVC pop-ups coming up all over the place, also JTV and some HSN.  It is always stuff I have looked at and in some cases already purchased.  So it isn't QVC's fault, its your security's.  Sometimes I will look up an article in some newspaper, and I'm lucky if I can get two or three inches on half the page, what with all the moving and flashing ads.  I swear my next computer will be an Apple. 

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Ah, thanks, @depglass. I couldn't figure out why I have never gotten one of those pop-ups, but your last sentence told me why (she said, happily writing on her Mac).

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Go to your settings or preferences and set it so you don't get pop-ups on this site.  I have a Mac and can do it by clicking Safari, Preferences or going to my settings. 

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Maybe QVC should stop harassing people trying to buy their products. 

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Registered: ‎07-27-2015

What could turn off a buyer more than to be grossly irritated by QVC ads. I just stopped shopping on QVC currently because there are so many obnoxious popus.

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I believe pop-ups on or app which are related to QVC are engineered into the website and cannot be removed.

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@qbetzforreal wrote:

I believe pop-ups on or app which are related to QVC are engineered into the website and cannot be removed.



That is true.  Like that annoying "Going, going...." box that pops up when I put something into my cart.  I use two ad blockers and still get that nonsense.