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Re: Homemade style masks no longer allowed in medical offices

Trucks lined-up filled with dead bodies outside of hospitals; medical staff having to gown up like they are entering a war zone; working 7 days a week, 12 hour shifts. That's what I call excessive.

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Re: Homemade style masks no longer allowed in medical offices


@germanshepherdlove wrote:

The other thing about this medical center, most people shower, wear clean clothes before an appointment as well as putting on a clean facemask. I never leave the house without wearing a fresh, clean mask and as soon as I get home it goes into a tupperware bowl of detergent and hot water and scrubbed with gloved hands and then into a hot dryer.  So, I too think it's a bit excessive but I would comply if I had to.  Not re-washing my face though.  After placing their mask on how in the world would they know anyway? That's just incredibly lame for them to think their patients come in filthy.  



Not necessarily do you really think every person is as concenicious about hygiene as you are?  


I don't think so -- as I sit and wait outside the building I see some "doozies"....and I'm most likely like you & 99.9% of's that .1% they're probably concerned about!


I know lately with all the crazy new rules in everyday "life" I'm just going with the flow to make it thru the day😉

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Re: Homemade style masks no longer allowed in medical offices



Yes it sounds excessive but this is what gets me & a lot of things are "annoying me" lately 🙄 -- as I am not allowed to go further than the entrance to this pulmonary office & respiratory treatment areas is 


  • they are there for respiratory disease
  • they are there for treatment
  • or doctors observation

yet, the very 1st question they ask:


  • have you had any coughing, breathing or respiratory issues in the last 7 days?  Sheer stupidity that's why they are there it's a pulmonary / respiratory office🙄.

If so, they continue with another 6-7 ?s asking same question but with different wording🤷‍♀️


It's 90+ degrees and he's got a mask on, can barely breath and has to go thru this routine everytime upon arrival and the same procedure when he gets upstairs to the treatment room....where do they think he went to the corner bar? 


He is "exhausted" from not not being able to breath with mask by the time he gets to the treatment area.   And needs to sit 10 minutes to get his oxygen level & breathing back on track.


I think it's overkill🤦🏼‍♀️



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Re: New Regulation in our Medical Office - Surgical Masks Only

@homedecor1 wrote:




Went to pulmonary doctor today with spouse.  Upon entering medical arts bldg. there were people taking temp, asking questions and then were given new surgical style . They asked you to go in restroom remove your mask, wash face & hands then put on  the mask they gave you.  No cloth masks are allowed stated on door!


I forgot to ask why??? Perhaps unsanitary and don't provide full protection properties🤷‍♀️



Some surgical and medical facilities are doing the same thing here.  I like it. You are bringing in fewer germs by using a new, sterile mask. People are at much higher risk during and after  any kind of surgery.  They are mitigating the risks to them and you.  Be glad they are following science instead of propaganda.

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Re: Homemade style masks no longer allowed in medical offices

Just think of all the patients this MD has treated and how many have died, many unnecessarily. Excessive? I don't think so.

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Re: New Regulation in our Medical Office - Surgical Masks Only

Everyone has a choice.  Follow the rules or stay home.  It's really that simple.


I was in a hospital yesterday for bloodwork.  The majority of non-workers were walking around with the cloth masks on.  I didn't even pay attention if they had masks available upon check-in because I had on a cloth mask so I didn't need one.

I posted in another thread that while I was waiting, a woman walked in and had a tantrum about everything from being told to pull her mask over her nose to having her temp. taken to being asked questions about symptoms. She looked like a complete fool. 


If I go somewhere and my mask isn't sufficient, if they are handing out what they want me to wear, I don't see an issue.  If I have a problem, I will leave.  That's it.   

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Re: New Regulation in our Medical Office - Surgical Masks Only

I can see where they would want to make sure the mask you are wearing is not full germs or dirty.

Alot of people round this county wear pj's & fluffy bedrm shoes so, yeah, give them a clean one!
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Re: Homemade style masks no longer allowed in medical offices

@Kachina624 wrote:

@Tinkrbl44    Okay, you consider this appropriate.  I consider sending patients to wash their hands and faces excessive.  End of discussion.




Wow.  Usually you don't take it so hard when someone disagrees with you.  Sorry you're having sauch a bad day.  

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Re: New Regulation in our Medical Office - Surgical Masks Only

My LO was diagnosed (by nasal test) Friday of the last week in March, after being infected by a caregiver who had NO SYMPTOMS until Sunday night, 2 days later.

She tested virus positive until about three weeks ago, and we had one outside, masked, social distanced visit, two weeks ago yesterday.


I have troublesome allergies, Fall and Spring, and sneezing and snorting are the main features. Although I did not visit, by my own choice, I have now gotten clearance by my own physician AND the admin at her residence. 

Some of us live in areas in which the virus is still VERY THREATENING and some live where it is not. I am happy to answer questions, follow CDC rules, do what I'm told, ACCEPT CHANGES IN RULES, whatever it takes to meet my needs safely and keep safe those whom I love.


Overall, I observe better results among groups that are following recommendations and groups that don't. 

I don't think my little life is SO IMPORTANT that I need to potentially threaten someone else's life to prove I'm special. I've seen how well THAT works, too.

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Re: Homemade style masks no longer allowed in medical offices

@Tinkrbl44    Sorry if I sounded terse but I see no use in arguing about it.  It's not that important.

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