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Registered: ‎07-19-2010

D&B Croco Tassel Bag Question


I had the good fortune to order A210993 the Croco Tassel bag wtih accessories as a 'as is' price from QVC in burgundy. I have given in a good look over and except for a few scratches on the bottom which can be rubbed out, saving $100 makes it look mighty fine.{#emotions_dlg.w00t}

The bag has been around for while. For those who have it, do you still like it? The shoulder straps seems short and I wonder if over time they would be annoying. I've heard some people say that croco scratches easily but darn, it's so good looking that I'm willing to take a chance on the material. The convertibility from tote to bag seems like it would work long term and the weight fully loaded is tolerable.

So, I'm trying to decide if it's a keeper or not. If you can share your experiences with it, I'd appreciate it. My D&B collection is growing nicely so I need to start being selective in new bags.

It's so true - D&B bags are like eating potato chips. You can't just stop at one!{#emotions_dlg.devil2}