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Posts: 99
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

ARGGGGG!!!! The one that got away.....handbag @ TJ MAXX

What I love about my TJ Maxx is the selection of handbags they have, my Marshall's isn't so good.

There have been times I would see a purse and unless it's a hands down must, I go home and 'sleep on it'. My reasoning is, if it's still there the next time I go, perhaps I will get it.

Then there are the times I can't wait for the stores to open so I can buy it.....if it's still there!

Then there are the times, I see it IN SOMEONE ELSE'S HANDS. They are looking at it, pondering over it. Painful! I'll walk away and hope that when I go back, they've put it down.

Well, it happened today, I did my little walk down the other aisle, went back and it was in her cart....with about 5 other bags!! Ebay I guess??

Oh well, it's not the end of the world.....