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Registered: ‎10-21-2010

For those that hate Cream of "Something" soup

recipe for
Condensed Cream of "Something" Soup.
It is a dry mix that, when you need some cream soup for a recipe you just add water. It is much less expensive then buying a can of soup at the market.
Since I had everything needed to make up a batch I went a step further and made up a gallon containers worth.

Cream of "something" soup recipe
1 cup non-fat dried milk
3/4 cup cornstarch
1/4 cup bouillon (if you have cubes you have to smash them up)
You can use whatever kind you like (ie, beef, veggie)
4 Tablespoons freeze dried minced onions (I used the minced onions from Sam's Club)
1 teaspoon dried basil
1 teaspoon dried thyme (I couldn't find the thyme so I used dried parsley instead)
1 teaspoon pepper
(For the equivalent of one can of condensed cream soup, mix 1/3 cup dry mix with 1 1/4 cup water. Cook until thick)

I keep it in the pantry and as you can see the recipe is taped on the outside. (so I don't lose it...cause I will if it ain't connected!)
Anyway, the lady that showed us how to make this awesome stuff made up a sample. She just cooked up some elbow macaroni and mixed it with the soup, added a little cheese and warmed it through in the oven.