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Registered: ‎09-22-2010

I am having friends over for dinner next week and made a test run on this recipe last night. It is too good not to share!

2 cups chardonnay
2 shallots, minced
3 T butter
Salt to taste
1/4 t cayenne or to taste
1-1/2 to 2 pounds large shrimp
1/2 cup heavy cream
Chopped parsley for garnish

Combine wine, shallots, 2 T butter, large pinch of salt and cayenne pepper in a large skillet. Bring to boil over high heat. Turn heat down and simmer until wine is reduced to about 1/2 cup, about 10 minutes.

While sauce reduces peel and butterfly shrimp.

When sauce is reduced add shrimp to skillet and cook, stirring occasionally, until cooked through, about 3 minutes. Stir in remaining butter and cream. Stir until heated through. Add more salt and cayenne if needed. Divide shrimp among plates, spoon sauce over top, garnish with parsley and serve.

I served this over spinach linguine noodles but could also serve over rice or spinach.