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Re: LR has very expensive taste


No I don't envy Lisa at all. She does have a nice life and she has worked and made the sacrifices to have the life style she does. However she doesn't have a love interest anymore and her life revolves around selling products. It is great she gets to travel all over as she enjoys doing that but it is always work related in some way. Just remember that everyone has something in their life that isn't great or they wish they could change.

@Kitlynn Not that I care, but how do you know she does not have a love interest? After what happened with the gym guy, how his messed up life was reported on, I thought Lisa declared she would no longer share such things.  I stopped following her on facebook a  long time ago, after all that.  I am just saying, that she could be married for all any of her "tribe" know.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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Re: LR has very expensive taste

[ Edited ]

I still say- as I did when I complained about these threads, it's someone coming out of the LR camp.  Wonder if LR is aware of her allowing to be kept alive and advertised about on her former employee's BB?   I have nothing against this woman, no love or hate loss to me.. she's a former salesperson throwing anything out there to see what sticks.........  And my biggest peeve about her-


Her driving, talking and acting like a 13yr old.....  according to her Facebook she and Katie are back in Atlanta...... if she drives up to Chattanooga to see her dad, I hope she's pulled over by a Georgia Trooper for doing a couch/tv show from behind the wheel of a moving vehicle.  

Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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Re: LR has very expensive taste

Who cares what she has. I only opened this thread cuz there were so many responses,lol.. 

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Re: LR has very expensive taste

Rather than asking if the threads about LR can be deleted, why not just ignore them if you have an issue with them?  I never understand posters wanting things to be deleted because it doesn't suit them.


It was pretty clear from the thread title what this was about so why not move on? 

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Re: LR has very expensive taste



No.  Not even slightly

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Re: LR has very expensive taste

In the grand scememe of things, she is not all that over-the-top wealthy (certainly there are many, many others far, far more monied that Lisa Robertson), but she does have expensive taste. She certainly is not at the Real Housewives level that the OP thinks she is.

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Re: LR has very expensive taste



Ah men.  I would give my money to animal causes and saving the planet

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Re: LR has very expensive taste

I never  could understand the way people threw themselves at LR I think she has very expensive taste and is not all she cracks up to be, but that is just my opinion.

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Re: LR has very expensive taste

@Puppy Lips



what happened with the gym guy?   I thought they got married.  Please fill me in because honestly I do not follow her and I don’t have a Facebook account?

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Registered: ‎05-01-2010

Re: LR has very expensive taste

I have a good man that has loved me for almost 40 years, a beautiful granddaughter, plenty of food to eat, a warm safe house to live In and good health. Am I jealous of her or her lifestyle? What do you think?