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Jane Brown 25th Anniversary Show

Watched Jane Brown today and she was celebrating her 25th anniversary with the Q.  What a lovely and classy lady she is.  It has always been a pleasure to watch her over all the years.  A true professional.  Loved her since day 1. Her family was on for a few minutes - a total joy to watch.

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Re: Jane Brown 25th Anniversary Show


Had to watch for a bit. I admire her very much.

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Re: Jane Brown 25th Anniversary Show

Jayne is one of my favorites. She is professional with whatever category she presents. I really enjoyed watching her when she had the show with Pat. They were such a pleasure.

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Re: Jane Brown 25th Anniversary Show

So happy for Jayne.  She is such a sweet woman.  Very down to earth.  Enjoyed seeing her family.  Wish they would put her on permanently with Gary and do the Denim & Co shows.

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Re: Jane Brown 25th Anniversary Show

@On It   If you'll recall, during the whole era of the Pat and Jayne show, people gritched about Jayne being mean to Pat.  She was overbearing but has mellowed a lot since then.  She really wasn't very nice sometimes and it was the talk of the board.  People here insisted the show be discontinued and eventually it was.


Pat obviously bears no grudges.  They appear to be the best if friends.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Jane Brown 25th Anniversary Show

Professional, knowledgeable, fun, one of the best hosts, Happy 25th Anniversary Jayne!!!!

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Re: Jane Brown 25th Anniversary Show

@Kachina624 I wasn't aware of the boards until the last 7 or so years. I just read postings when I did find them. One day I got the nerve to post something and as they say the rest is history. I didn't realize Jayne had a perception of being mean to Pat.  I just remember I enjoyed the show.

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Re: Jane Brown 25th Anniversary Show

She's one of my favorites too, I did watch the show with her family on, very nice tribute.

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Re: Jane Brown 25th Anniversary Show


Very nice host, does a great job!

Happy 25th Anniversary - Celebrate 25 Years of Marriage

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Re: Jane Brown 25th Anniversary Show

I like Jayne a lot too.  I also remember posters making comments about her being not so nice to Pat but I never really saw that.


I didn't realize it was her anniversary show yesterday.  I would have watched if I had known.