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Re: Is QVC really attracting the younger generation?

I ve been shopping with Q since 1986, I was 30! So I think they do attract younger audiences.

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Re: Is QVC really attracting the younger generation?

I don't think QVC will ever get a younger audience to sit down and watch one of their shows on TV.


Online shopping? Maybe.  Streaming? Possibly, but unlikely.  TV? No way.

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Re: Is QVC really attracting the younger generation?

I've been here since the beginning and before they sold clothes but it was new and different and fun. None of my friends shopped here.

I have almost stopped and it's not fun anymore and there are too many online places to shop now and cheaper. 

I don't think they will ever get the younger crowd again.

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Re: Is QVC really attracting the younger generation?

@ollie5 wrote:

I ve been shopping with Q since 1986, I was 30! So I think they do attract younger audiences.

@ollie5 I started watching near that age too, but back then everyone had dish or cable. Today's 30 year olds mostly stream and rarely pay for dish or cable. AND there's the stigma of "my mom shops there, so they probably don't have anything for me".

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Re: Is QVC really attracting the younger generation?

I've been a QVC customer since the 80s and used to watch quite often and I've purchased so much inventory that I always had a high balance on my Q card. Now I rarerly watch but do check out the website.  And I definately do not buy as much as I used to.  My monthly balance is about $100. I maybe purchase one or two items a month.  

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I don't think the Q is attracting younger audiences eithe...

I don't think the Q is attracting younger audiences either.  My kids are in their late 20's, early 30's. The only reason they know of qvc is because of me.  They don't sit down and watch a retail shopping channel. That is not the way they shop now a days.  Especially when they can get younger looking, better priced clothing for free shipping on line.  I Very rarely purchase anything from qvc.  I deleted their app because I don't use it. Amazon's and HSN's I use frequently. So, if they are actually trying to entice younger people to shop with them, I don't see it working.

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Re: Is QVC really attracting the younger generation?



Excellent observations and real life example..


I don't have kids, nor do I see "young people"...but those of you who they watch and order from QVC or HSN?  Do they even know what it is?


Heck....I know people my age who don't know what it is, or laugh when you mention it. Sometime's they're surprised when I say "I got something" on QVC...


I'm 67. More and more I realize the things I bought over the last 25 + years would in no way entice today's younger folks. Heck, it's dated to ME!!!


And we bought differently then too...knick knacks, gew gaws, cooking pots( who cooks today when you just order in?), pans, roasters, utensils, jewelry ( today they all want tattoos!!!) and skin products by the boatload...most of it to fix OLD skin!!!!....all of which is now available anywhere..


I think it's the longing to go OUR lives, if you understand me....It's like watching a door slowly close that represented our way of shopping and enjoying media...and along with it,our youth.


O well. Everything changes. Me? I order off QVC, not as much as before, and NEVER because of a host.  I do it to stay out of stores and FAR away from crowds.. in order to avoid my possible execution while buying a tee shirt or a loaf of bread....


I don't get the dreamy posts about C+D...they were salespeople. Yes they were "nice'...but do we REALLY know? Maybe they do unspeakable things to thier family, drink like fish, or have affairs. Or beat the dog. We don't know.




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Re: Is QVC really attracting the younger generation?

I'm 35, I found QVC in college through searching for tacky Christmas sweaters and found Quacker factory and their light up sweaters.... I continued to shop for skincare, makeup and some home things when I was younger because I didn't have a ton of money and the easy pay really helped.
Now, in my 30's with a family and prosperous career I only use it for skincare and some Christmas items. They have decent deals on bundles skin care, love the Christmas trees, my dysons but other things like clothes are dated for someone my age. They do sell spanx but I'm not paying their shipping or return fees when I can get both for free from Nordstrom and faster.
They are using influencers to sell items but really I think my generation and younger go for the items we already buy that are bundles but won't buy anything else. Especially, with the shipping and return fees, SO many other places are free.
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Re: Is QVC really attracting the younger generation?

i have three children 49, 44 and 43.  They have never watched QVC or any other shopping channel.


They and their friends make jokes about shopping channels and old people buying.  Their views seem to be the same as most of the people I know....even people my age.  I have heard so many jokes about QVC Queens than I care to mention.


Not only do the younger folks not shop on TV Channels as a whole, but doing so is a negative thing.



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Re: Is QVC really attracting the younger generation?

[ Edited ]

On another note....I tuned in a little to ITKWD last night, and he said they were going to start featuring watches and shoes ...not clear if he meant in HIS show ( which seems kind of off-topic for a kitchen show, unless they also chop, dice or store something in an airtight watertight fashion....."


He bantered a bit with Steve Doss ( the new host who never evidently ever ate or tasted ANYTHING of the kinds of foods offered on Q....he always seems totally floored by a morsel of Rib Eye ...or goes into spasms of eye rolling joy about a  soupcon of fudge candy....and don't even mention if it's some fake "buttered" special kernals popcorn....That earns a full out lip smacking near faint.....!!!).


They were both wearing matching watches....


Steve DOES seem like a happy guy though.....


I don't know...maybe it's me.....


But they HAD to add something new  spice to that show...what with 1000 iterations of Mark Charles snips and  never ending hokey patterned Temptations crockery......just not sure if adding watches or shoes is  the answer!!!