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Re: My GoldenDoodle is Digging Up the House!

Sit in a chair in the yard and throw the ball to her.

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Re: My GoldenDoodle is Digging Up the House!

We just played with the frisbee until she turned the tables on me and wanted ME to fetch.  Certainly not 10 miles worth Smiley Surprised  As much as she likes to lay on her back and let you scratch her, it's hard to believe she's such an active dog.  I just thought someone might know of a product you could sprinkle in the shrub areas to keep them from digging.  I haven't had mom's scooter out yet.   Hope it goes well over the "glorified cow trail" I live on.

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Re: My GoldenDoodle is Digging Up the House!

Just throw a tennis ball and she'll wear herself out retrieving it for you.  

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Re: My GoldenDoodle is Digging Up the House!

[ Edited ]

I cannot tell you the number of basketballs my three German Shepard's ruined......

when I can't sit out there with them, they chase them all over their part of the yard. 
After an hour or two they get water and relax and then back to the same old thing.

They are in excellent shape and have very good mobility. Every time the vets sees them, he can't stop himself from commenting on their physical condition.

Just like people......exercise, exercise, exercise !

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Re: My GoldenDoodle is Digging Up the House!

@monicakm wrote:

We just played with the frisbee until she turned the tables on me and wanted ME to fetch.  Certainly not 10 miles worth Smiley Surprised  As much as she likes to lay on her back and let you scratch her, it's hard to believe she's such an active dog.  I just thought someone might know of a product you could sprinkle in the shrub areas to keep them from digging.  I haven't had mom's scooter out yet.   Hope it goes well over the "glorified cow trail" I live on.

@monicakm, I have a digger and the only thing that has worked is sprinkling the area with cayenne pepper.   Once the pepper is down she avoids the area until the pepper is depleted. I reapply when necessary like after a rain.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Re: My GoldenDoodle is Digging Up the House!

Exercise to help tire your dog. You could hire a dog walker. You could switch out toys each time you play with him.. If everything else fails, you will have your own underground bomb shelter!!😁

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Re: My GoldenDoodle is Digging Up the House!

@monicakm Why didn't you research the breed...and not get such an active dog if you physically can not exercise the dog? Many other choices. Not the dog's about paying someone to exercise him?

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Re: My GoldenDoodle is Digging Up the House!

First of all, I LOVE Goldendoodles! How adorable! But I agree with Kachina that large dogs need lots of exercise. I had a large Collie who loved to walk....and walk....and walk. Smiley Happy  especially when they're young, they require a lot of exercise. I had to walk mine, at least three times a day. A tired dog is a happy dog. And I think it's a wonderful bonding experience to be outside with the pooch taking a nice stroll. 

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Re: My GoldenDoodle is Digging Up the House!



That's terrific that your GSDs are in such good shape!  How old are they?  Any signs of hip dysplasia?  Do you give them supplements for it?  

Until about 3 weeks ago, we had three dogs.  Chuck lived outside in a 3/4 acre fenced area.  He had a 25x25 "annex" under a 42 year old oak tree, flagstone and his dog house.   Chuck got along with EVERYone and EVERYone loved Chuck.  He was always energetic and loved to run circles (literally) around the barn.  Frankie and Chuck would play for hours.  To be an older dog, he had no trouble keeping up with her.  Until we brought Frankie home and she came into heat within a week, he never knew he could jump the fence.  That's not to say he never got out because his other specialty was to get past the open gate with you standing in the middle of it and leaving one wondering HOW DID HE DO THAT???  There was no keeping him in now.  It breaks my heart to tell the group that he was run over 3 weeks ago Smiley Sad  My husband came home from work and found him in the road in front of our house.  He was car savvy.  There was a lot of traffic that day with the ranchers moving hay.  Chuck and our inside dog (not Frankie) had been playing in the front yard.  It's my guess that in his excitment and running while playing, he wasn't paying attention.  Chuck was 8.  He was a rescue as well (all our dogs have been since the Dalmatians in the 90s).

He always had a "smile" on his face. 


I just added a basketball to my shopping list.  She probably couldn't get it in her mouth so she'll just keep pushing it along.  When it gets warmer, we'll get a fan type sprinkler for her to play in.  We did that for the choc lab sisters and they loved it.  They wouldn't play in the sprinkler system but they loved a fan sprinkler.

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Re: My GoldenDoodle is Digging Up the House!



Thank you.  I did that decades ago but can't remember which dog.  It didn't work LOL  But, I'm sure each dog is different.  Maybe it will work for her.