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Mercy's new blanket and snow

We are supposed to get about 4" of snow Friday afternoon through Saturday. I know that's nothing to many of you, but I'm in SC so it's a big deal for us. I can't wait for Mercy to see her first snow. She has a new blanket and is all ready to keep warm. For those of you in the southeast, enjoy the snow and be safe!Mercys blanket.jpg

While I breathe, I hope - - South Carolina
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Re: Mercy's new blanket and snow

Image result for so cute word image

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Re: Mercy's new blanket and snow

She's beautiful!  We do the same thing for our dogs ~ they have so many blankets it takes forever for me to do the laundry, lol!  Our border collie/lab mix Cody LOVES the cold & snow!  We can hardly get him back in the house!  He'll be nine years old this May.  I'm in Illinois and keep watching the weather hoping for snow but so far flurries only. 


Enjoy your first snow, Mercy!  Have fun!  :-)

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Re: Mercy's new blanket and snow

She is such a cutie!! Smiley Happy


I hope she enjoys frolicking in her first snowfall!

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Re: Mercy's new blanket and snow

My dogs have their own blankets too. Mercy looks mightly cute in her polka dots!  Hope she enjoys the snow!  We have about 2+ inches here so far today in Indiana.

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Re: Mercy's new blanket and snow

I crocheted a blankie for my fur baby Cotie who was a 90 lb lab mix, his nickname was Tweety Bird so of course his blankie was yellow, when the blanket would come out of the dryer and he would see it, I swear if a dog could smile from ear to ear Cotie did, he loved that blanket, we lost him several years ago, but his sweet soul will be in my heart forever!

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Re: Mercy's new blanket and snow

Mercy is so cute and so is her blanket. Hope she has fun playing in the snow.

"If you really want to shock the world unleash your kindness"
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Re: Mercy's new blanket and snow

@MercysMom OMG how cute. Every time I see your name and avatar I smile so big. Such a beautiful dog and the blanket is gorgeous. And my gosh you even live in my favorite State of SC. You, Mercy and family stay warm and cozy. My bucket list of coming back down to where I miss living so much I am working on very hard. With all the warm SC people I met while living there there will be no shortage of warmth there. (Smiles) xoxoxoxoxox Love Stormy

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Re: Mercy's new blanket and snow

I cover my 85 lb. fur baby.

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Re: Mercy's new blanket and snow

My dogs don't want anything to do with blankets.   The sheltie and collie have heavy coats and would be too hot.   They'd be comfy outside in a blizzard.   My rescue,  Misty,  has a coat shorter than a golden but when I cover her in the night,  she'll crawl out from under it in less than 5 minutes. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment