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...and waking up to this size staring down at you.



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Re: Imagine Being This Size....

So cute that baby reminds me of my son, he was full term but only weighed 5 pounds and 19 inches.  Fast forward he is 33 years old 6'2 - 215 pounds.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Imagine Being This Size....

@Foxxee - When I was born my parents had a German Shepherd. They had a small party so everyone could come see me. My mom said our German Shepherd parked herself by my bassinet in the living room and wouldn't let anyone near me! She actually nipped our neighbor across the street. My mom said he leaned in too close. Thank goodness she just nipped lightly and he was not hurt and was very understanding! 


She would let me do anything to her. Mom said I would pull her tail and try to get on her back when I was a toddler. She was my best friend until she died when I was 5.



We never got another dog, although my parents intended to. It's probably best, because she was more than special. A kitty found us when I was 13. And I've had kitties in my life ever since.  Smiley Happy



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Posts: 8,104
Registered: ‎10-03-2014

Re: Imagine Being This Size....



Yes, they are very tolerant of family members, but warn others to stay away or else. 


Similar situation, born with a German Shepherd in the house.  He lived until a very old 15, so I had him around about 14 years.  Would ride him around like a horse until I got too big.  He was very obliging. My parents didn't get another dog; although I begged them for one.  



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Posts: 14,235
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Imagine Being This Size....

@Foxxee wrote:



Yes, they are very tolerant of family members, but warn others to stay away or else. 


Similar situation, born with a German Shepherd in the house.  He lived until a very old 15, so I had him around about 14 years.  Would ride him around like a horse until I got too big.  He was very obliging. My parents didn't get another dog; although I begged them for one.  



@Foxxee - Wow! Very similar! You were blessed to have had your boy a lot longer.



 I'm trying to remember the story, but I know my mom said Dad had her when they were dating. She would sit between them in the front seat of the car! So I don't know how old she was when she died. I do know she had hip dysplasia, which I know is common in German Shepherds. Dad was away and a good friend and neighbor went with Mom to say goodbye to her.